Educated people don’t have jobs and this religion has the highest unemployment rate… Read – What does this report say about employment?

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If he works for at least one hour a week as a daily wage earner or does anything else to earn income, then he is not considered unemployed. This is the definition of employment around the world. This definition was developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO). Most governments around the world believe this.

Calculate unemployment figures and determine how much of the population is employed based on the International Labor Organization’s definition of employment.

In a country like India, unemployment has always been not only an electoral issue but also a socio-economic issue. While the opposition attacks the government for not providing jobs, the government claims to have created many. But what do the statistics show? The government releases its data every year.

Recently, a new report from the Periodic Labor Force Survey (PLFS) on employment data came out. This report contains data from July 2023 to June 2024. The report shows that the unemployment rate neither increased nor decreased during this period.

What is the unemployment rate?

The unemployment status can be understood from three numbers. First – the labor force participation rate, or LFPR. The second worker population ratio is WPR. Third – the unemployment rate, or UR.

LFPR refers to how many people in the total population are looking for work or currently working. WPR refers to how many people in the total population are employed. Meanwhile, UR means how many people in the labor force are unemployed. An increase in the labor force and worker population and a decrease in unemployment are considered good.

– LFPR statistics: In six years, the workforce has grown by more than 10%. This proportion was approximately 50% in 2017-18 and increased to 60% in 2023-24. However, there are still fewer women than men in the workforce. Men account for 78.8% of the labor force and women account for 41.7%.

– WPR statistics: givenThe employed population accounts for 58.2% of Shanghai’s total population. Among them, 76.3% of men and 40.3% of women are working. In 2022-23, 56% of the population will be employed. The proportion among women increased by 5% in one year.

– UR statistics: The unemployment rate will be 3.2% in 2022-23 and will also remain at 3.2% in 2023-24. That is, there is neither increase nor decrease. Unemployment fell by half in seven years. In 2017-18, the country’s unemployment rate was 6%.

The higher the level of education, the higher the number of unemployed people!

In our country, educated youth have the highest unemployment rate. Recently, the International Labor Organization (ILO) released a report stating that 83% of India’s unemployed population in 2023 will be young people.

Not only that, the proportion of educated unemployed people has almost doubled in two decades. An International Labor Organization report shows that the proportion of educated unemployed people was 35.2% in 2000, and this proportion will increase to 65.7% by 2022.

According to the International Labor Organization, unemployment is the biggest problem facing India’s youth, especially those who have graduated, and it continues to rise over time. Not only the International Labor Organization, but also the PLFS report shows that India has a larger number of educated unemployed people. The PLFS annual report shows that the higher the level of education, the higher the unemployment rate.

According to this, the unemployment rate for people who cannot read or write at all is 0.2%. The unemployment rate for those who study until the age of 12 is less than 5%. The unemployment rate for those with diploma, graduate, PG or above is over 12%.

However, some experts believe that unemployment is high as illiterate or less educated people work in small jobs, while educated youth find jobs based on their qualifications. However, the ILO claims that such employment opportunities are not being created in India’s non-agricultural sector, where educated youth and graduates can find jobs.

caste religion report card

Reports show that the highest unemployment rates in the country are among people of the Sikh faith. In 2023-24, the unemployment rate will be 3.1% for Hindus, 3.2% for Muslims, 5.8% for Sikhs and 4.7% for Christians. At the same time, 45% of Hindus, 37% of Muslims, 42% of Sikhs and 45% of Christians were working.

However, trends show that the greatest increase in the number of people working or looking for work is among Muslims. In 2022-23, 32.5% of Muslims are employed or looking for work. However, the number of such Muslims remained above 38% in 2023-24.

Similarly, 53% of the Scheduled Tribe (ST) population is employed or looking for work. While 45% of Scheduled Castes (SC) and 44% of Other Backward Classes (OBC) people are employed. Meanwhile, only 43% of those in the general category have jobs.

4 key points of the report…

– Who will do the work? : The report shows that among the employed population, 58.4% have their own jobs. And only 21.7% of people receive a fixed salary. Meanwhile, daily wage workers accounted for 19.8%.

– What kind of work do you do? : Of those who are employed, 46% are engaged in agriculture. After that, 12.2% worked in trade, hotels or restaurants. Meanwhile, 12% are employed in construction and 11.4% in manufacturing.

– How many young people are unemployed? : The unemployment rate among youth aged 15 to 29 increased slightly. The unemployment rate for youth in this age group is 10% in 2022-23 and will increase to 10.2% in 2023-24. It is 14.7% in urban areas and 8.5% in rural areas.

-How much do people earn? : The average monthly income of a person engaged in his or her own job is Rs 12,685. While the average income of employed persons is Rs 20,095. The average daily income of a daily wage earner is Rs 404.

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