A horrific road accident occurred in Vijayanagara district of Karnataka. A massive collision between a car and a bicycle took place in the district’s Hospet town. The heart-wrenching incident was caught on CCTV. The traffic accident occurred on December 15.
A cyclist was killed
The bike jumped several feet in the air due to the collision with the car. The bike was blown to pieces when it fell. The cyclist lost his life. Three people were seriously injured.
The car was traveling from Hospet to Kudliji
It was clear from the CCTV that the car traveling from Hospet to Kudliji came suddenly and hit the bike. As a result, the family jumped down on the road along with their bicycles. One person died while being taken to Ballari Trauma Care Centre.
Three people were injured, including his wife and two children
People who died in accidents. His name is Tayapa. Three people were injured in the accident. The deceased was identified as Tayyapa (40), a resident of Massakeri, Hospet. His late wife Radha was also among the injured. He also has two children, Divya and Dhruv, aged 10 and 08 years respectively.
Car driver detained
The injured are undergoing treatment at the Trauma Care Center in Bellary. Tayyappa, his wife and children rode their bicycles to the village of Galaga. The accident occurred while returning from the village. A case has been registered at Mariammanhalli police station and the driver of the car, Shahabuddin, has been arrested. The police are currently taking legal action against the defendants.
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