Desis in Raj: Full list of 26 British-Indian MPs who made it to UK’s Parliament

There will be a distinctive Indian flavour to the House of Commons this time around with 26 MPs of British-Indian origin sitting.
Despite a challenging overall outcome for the Conservative Party, several of its members managed to retain their seats. Outgoing Prime Minister Rishi Sunak leads the Conservatives of Indian descent, securing a decisive victory in his Richmond and Northallerton constituency in Yorkshire.This victory came amid a tough night for Sunak, as his party lost over 200 seats in the face of a landslide victory for the Labour Party.
“On this difficult night, I would like to express my gratitude to the people of the Richmond and Northallerton constituency for your continued support. Since I moved here a decade ago, you have made me and my family feel so at home and I look forward to serving you for years to come,” said Sunak. His message appeared to address and dismiss pre-election speculations about his future plans as a politician. A total of 107 British-Indian MPs were in the fray, of which 26 won. This was 73% increase from last time when 15 British-Indians were part of the House of Commons.
Here’s the full list:
1) Rishi Sunak (Tory)
Constituency: Richmond and Northallerton
2) Priti Patel (Tory)
Constituency: Witham
3) Suella Braverman (Tory)
Constituency: Fareham and Waterlooville
4) Shivani Raja (Tory)
Constituency: Leicester East
5) Claire Coutinho (Tory)
Constituency: East Surrey
6) Gagan Mohindra (Tory)
Constituency: South West Hertfordshire
7) Valerie Vaz (Labour)
Constituency: Walsall and Bloxwich
8) Lisa Nandy (Labour)
Constituency: Wigan
9) Preet Kaur Gill (Labour)
Constituency: Birmingham Edgbaston
10) Tanmanjeet Singh “Tan” Dhesi (Labour)
11) Navendu Mishra (Labour)
Constituency: Stockport
12) Nadia Whittome (Labour)
13) Jas Athwal (Labour)
14) Baggy Shanker (Labour)
15) Satvir Kaur (Labour)
16) Harpreet Uppal (Labour)
17) Warinder Juss (Labour)
Constituency: Wolverhampton West
18) Satvir Kaur (Labour)
Constituency: Southampton Test
19) Gurinder Sosan (Labour)
Constituency: Smethwick
20) Kanishka Narayan (Labour)
Constituency: Vale of Glamorgan
21) Sonia Kumar (Labour)
Constituency: Dudley
22) Sureena Brackenridge (Labour)
Constituency: Wolverhampton North East
23) Kirith Entwistle (Labour)
Constituency: Bolton North East
24) Jeevun Sandher (Labour)
Constituency: Loughborough
25) Sojan Joseph (Labour)
Constituency: Ashford
26) Munira Wilson (LibDem)
Constituency: Twickenham

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