Danger of attack on Middle East! Hezbollah and Iran can attack Israel today…America alerts G7

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Tension has increased in the Middle East between the war between Israel and Palestine. Israel is the target of Iran and Lebanon and both these countries can attack Israel at any time. America has alerted the G-7 countries and expressed the possibility of an attack on Israel today itself.

In fact, Israel is currently under great threat and the Iranian Army and Hezbollah are continuously planning attacks. Experts also say that any kind of major attack can happen from Iran or Hezbollah, which can put the world peace in danger. This attack could also be of the same pattern as Iran did on Israel in April. At that time Iran had attacked with 300 missiles and drones. This attack was stopped by the Israeli army.

America alerts G-7 countries

America’s statement has now come amid tension. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Washington believes that both Iran and Hezbollah will retaliate against Israel on Monday. He has issued an alert to his counterparts from G-7 countries. According to the report of Axios, Blinken’s warning comes amid increasing tension in the Middle East after the activation of Hezbollah and Hamas, which has raised the possibility of wider regional conflict.

America is busy handling the situation

Blinken held a conference call with his G7 counterparts on Sunday. In this he said, Washington believes that Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah can attack Israel at any time. America is working to defuse the situation, so that a large-scale war can be prevented by exerting diplomatic pressure.

‘The talks were close to success’

Blinken did not give the exact time of the attack, but told the G7 countries that it could start in the next 24 to 48 hours. Blinken also expressed disappointment in Israel’s efforts in recent negotiations on the Gaza hostage and ceasefire agreement. He reportedly said that their talks were close to success until the assassination of Hamas Chief Ismail Haniya.

G-7 said- work towards reducing tension

According to news agency Reuters, amid growing fears of a multi-front war in the Middle East, the G-7 has issued a statement and urged all concerned parties to exercise restraint and avoid actions that could worsen the situation. Are. The G7 statement said recent events have raised the possibility of widespread conflict in the region. Call upon all parties to engage constructively towards reducing tension.

Israel said- ready to deal with the enemies

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken a tough stance and has reiterated that he will stand firm against the enemies. “Iran and its henchmen want to hold us in the grip of terrorism,” Netanyahu said before a high-level security meeting on Sunday. We are determined to stand against them on every front and in every area, near or far.

In fact, tension has increased after the assassination of Hamas Chief Ismail Haniya in Iran’s capital Tehran last week. A day before this incident, Hezbollah’s top military commander Fouad Shukar was assassinated in Lebanon’s capital Beirut. Haniya is the chief of Hamas in Gaza and he had gone to Tehran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the new President of Iran. Iran was enraged by the guest’s murder and threatened Israel of consequences.

Here, Hezbollah has also started targeting Israel. Late Saturday night, about 50 rockets were fired at Israel by Hezbollah. However, Israel’s Iron Dome foiled the attack.

The possibility of a large-scale war in the Middle East has increased due to the announcement of revenge by Iran and Hezbollah. Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden is scheduled to call a meeting of his national security team on Monday to discuss the situation. The Pentagon has announced the deployment of additional military forces in the area to prevent further incidents.

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