CT scan revealed what the 3000 year old crocodile ate

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Egypt is known for its pyramids and mummies. But the stories behind them are a different matter. God of everything. Different ancient tradition for every work. System of sacrificing animals to the gods. Scientists found a three thousand year old mummy of a crocodile. This mummy was offered to Sobek, the god of the Nile River.

It is not that the ancient people of Egypt used to mummify only their relatives. In fact, he also protected thousands of animals. That too by making a mummy. Now scientists had to find out how the crocodile died. What was the crocodile fed before its mummification? That means, is there still food left in his stomach?

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Egypt, Crocodile Mummy, CT Scan, Last Meal

How was he killed etc. In Egypt, different animals were associated with different gods. Like the eagle from Horus, the sun god. Because he could fly closer to the sun. Cat goddess from Bastet. Because like a mother, she is brave and protective of her children. That’s why these animals were mummified.

Mummies of birds and crocodiles were also used as magic tricks

They were offered to the deity. This was the time of Egypt between 750 BC to 250 AD. At present, mummies of some such animals are also present, which are no longer found in Egypt. Like ibises… It was a bird of prey with long legs and a curved beak. It was offered to a god named Toth. Now this bird is not in Egypt.

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Egypt, Crocodile Mummy, CT Scan, Last Meal

Many mummies of crocodiles have been found here. This is the biggest. At that time people in Egypt also wore crocodile skin. So that the evil forces can be kept away. Or dead crocodiles were hung on the walls or doors of homes as a Feng Shui idea. As a trick so that negativity does not enter the house.

What was found inside the stomach of this crocodile, CT scan revealed

The length of this crocodile is 2.23 meters. It is kept in Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. It was brought to the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and its radiographic study was done. You can take out ancient things through medical instruments. Without harming them. Gastroliths were found in the stomach of this crocodile.

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Egypt, Crocodile Mummy, CT Scan, Last Meal

Gastroliths are small stones found in the alimentary canal. Many times crocodiles swallow small stones, so that they can digest the food properly. The discovery of gastroliths confirmed that the people who mummified the crocodile did not take out its internal organs. A metal fishing hook and fish were found inside the stomach.

At that time, people used to catch the crocodile by hooking a fish and throwing it in the river. When the crocodile came to eat this fish, it used to get trapped in the net. This story is found in the documents of Greek historian Herodotus. Herodotus traveled to Egypt in the fifth century BC. Pigs were killed on the river banks, so that the crocodiles would come closer and they could be caught. Fish caught on hooks were also used.

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