CM Yogi Adityanath said, “Murali alone is not enough, Sudarshan is also necessary for security”

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Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said in Tripura on Monday that “Murali alone is not enough, Sudarshan is also needed for security”. He also targeted Pakistan in his speech. CM Yogi said, “Pakistan is a cancer and unless surgery is carried out, the problem of this cancer will not be solved.”

Yogi Adityanath in his speech said, “When the memory of Lord Krishna appeared before us, Lord Krishna held Murli in one hand and Sudarshan in the other hand. Murli alone was not enough, Sudarshan was also necessary for safety. He said, “When Sudarshan appeared before you, Sri Sri Shantikali Maharaj did not have to sacrifice his life.”

“Pakistan is an ulcer”

CM Yogi said, “Who were those people who fell into the trap of Muslim League intentions and Congress party’s power greed by becoming the supporters of partition of India before 1947 and were responsible for the unfortunate partition of India? It is necessary to provide correct information about such people.

He said, “Had the then Congress leadership along with Joginder Nath Mandal thwarted the intentions of the Muslim League, Pakistan would never have fallen into chaos.” Yogi said, “Pakistan is an ulcer and unless surgery is done, this cancerous problem cannot be cured.”

“Pakistan’s need to meet India’s needs is rising”

He said: “Today, Pakistan-occupied Kashmir has begun to demand to secede from Pakistan and join India. Balochistan has also seen demands to separate from Pakistan. As long as Pakistan exists on this earth, it will always be a cancer on mankind. The world’s powers must unite to respond in a timely manner, and the Indian people must also remain highly vigilant.

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