Chetan Bhagat told Papaya theory for trolls, said- use it, you will be happy

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On September 14, India Today Mind Rocks 2024 kicked off in Bengaluru. Chetan Bhagat attended this big event. Chetan, one of India’s most famous and successful authors, talked about his career, books and life. During this, the author told how he handles social media trolls. Let us tell you what he said.

How does Chetan Bhagat handle trolls?

Chetan Bhagat is a rubbish writer. I don’t want to read. Do people say this? Do you get bothered by such things? Do you get angry? Chetan Bhagat said on this that yes, people say this to him every day. If you had asked me this 15 years ago, I would have become defensive and said yes, why so, my English is good. But now I have my theory, I will tell you too. I have my papaya theory in life. This is that fruit, that look, everyone likes bananas, everyone likes mangoes but papaya is such a thing that many people like and some don’t. Papaya is not at fault in this. If someone tells papaya that I love papaya, what should it do? If I hate it, then papaya will not become a banana. It will try to become a banana and will get spoiled. So I am papaya. If you like it, it is fine, if you don’t, then say something else. We all should apply papaya theory in life. Not everyone will like you. This is fine, why do you have to be liked by everyone? I think we should be happy with this otherwise you will all end up as bananas. Then what is the use?

Chetan said on social media

We are living in the age of social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, even Snapchat. Everything is byte size. The book size is at least 200 pages. So it takes you a few days to read a book. Perhaps books are also being written in smaller sizes now. Do you need to adjust because of social media? On this Chetan Bhagat said that yes, I have to do this to some extent. My new books are small. Books have their own charm, which is not there in Instagram reels. I have a complaint with the publishing industry and readers. If someone picks up a book, they judge him. Hey, you read Chetan Bhagat, you are not reading Salman Rushdie. Such people are creating a class system.

Sit and watch reels all day. No one says anything in it. As soon as someone picks up a book, they tell him that hey friend, he is reading this, read high literature from him. What he does is he closes the book and goes back to the reels. So friends, reading is important. Reading books, books have to be read. People say that we watch videos and don’t read books. Do you know what it is that if there is a car, why use your feet. I don’t walk, I go in the car only. Are you people stupid? You have to use your brain. And this will happen by reading books. The one who reads books is called educated. Someone was told that Aajtak is a good reel watching man.

Your brain is turning into curd. He is making a mash of your brain. Bhaiya Mark Zuckerberg is earning crores. By selling noodles to you on Instagram. By selling T-shirts. And you think I am very cool, I don’t read books, I watch reels. You are a product. You are being used. Reading is coming back. Like live events are coming back. See how concerts are happening and people get to know about them and then 10 thousand tickets are sold in minutes. People are realizing that the world of videos is fake and it does nothing for your brain. It does nothing to relax you. If you are sitting, read a book.

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