ChatGPT cannot become a doctor right now, he is poor in identifying symptoms, a big revelation was made in the survey.

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There is a buzz all over the world about ChatGPT because it can write applications for you, help with school homework etc. and help in creating assignments etc. But can he also become a doctor? For this, PLOS ONE has recently published a study on ChatGPT.

The study shows how accurate ChatGTP is as a doctor? According to the report, ChatGTP is famous as a language model, but it requires a lot of effort to answer medical related questions. Let us know about it in details.

Study on ChatGPT, this is the purpose

The purpose of this study conducted on ChatGPT is to check the capability of this platform of OpenAI. In this study they want to see whether ChatGPT can work well in difficult clinical cases. For this, the researcher has used Medscape Clinical Challenges, which presented the scenario of the patient’s condition.

Also read: What is the new AI chat bot Hanuman, know how this app is different from ChatGPT?

Tips on different types of diseases

Multiple health related problems were shown in these cases. In this they wanted to see whether ChatGPT could easily diagnose the disease and recommend treatment related to it.

Researchers have tested ChatGPT on 150 Clinical Challenges, which have been published after August 2021. In each case, there was information about the patient’s history, treatment and tests, and the researchers wanted to compare the results obtained from ChatGPT with their own reports.

Also read: Mark Zuckerberg introduced MetaAI, will ChatGPT’s reign end?

What was revealed by the research results?

ChatGPT gave correct answers in 49 percent cases. When these answers were compared to Medscape users’ responses, ChatGPT provided timely responses about 61 percent of the time. The study found that ChatGPT achieved about 74 percent accuracy, with 49 percent giving clear answers. It excluded incorrect answers, but reduced confidence in it during treatment.

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