Chandra Grahan India 2024: This sign will be affected by the lunar eclipse for the entire month, be careful

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Chandra Grehan 2024: September 18, i.e. today, is the last lunar eclipse of the year. The first Shraddha of Pitru Paksha is also being performed today. The event of lunar eclipse is considered very important from a religious point of view. One should avoid doing anything auspicious or auspicious under the ominous shadow of lunar eclipse. This lunar eclipse will occur in Pisces and Purvabhadrapada constellations. According to astrologers, the effects of this lunar eclipse will last for a whole month on a constellation. Let us know for which constellation the effects of lunar eclipse will last for a month.

The last lunar eclipse of the year will last from 06.12 am to 10.17 am on Wednesday, September 18, as per Indian time. The duration of the lunar eclipse will be 05 hours and 04 minutes. During this period, the lunar eclipse will reach its peak at 08.14 am.

Since this eclipse occurs in Pisces, its effects will only have the greatest impact on this sign. In fact, the Moon completes its zodiacal cycle in 27 days and 6 hours. Therefore, the effects of the eclipse on the sign where the eclipse occurs will last for about a month.

Normal life
There may be sounds of poverty and misery at home. There may be resentment in married life. There may be discord between husband and wife. There is a high possibility of domestic troubles. There may be disagreements with friends, relatives and colleagues.

After the lunar eclipse, Pisces people may suffer losses in financial terms. The source of income may get affected. Expenses may increase. People belonging to the business class may have to face losses. There may be a reduction in profits. A lot of efforts will have to be made to earn profits in business. The concentration of people who are busy preparing for education or competitive examinations may be disturbed.

The lunar eclipse also has an adverse effect on the work and business of Pisces people. There will be problems related to employment. Don’t rush to find a new job. There may be delays in promotion and salary increase.

Pisces people may have health problems. Illnesses may increase difficulties. Some old illnesses may reappear. Illness expenses may also increase. Special attention must be paid to the health of parents or elders at home.

How to avoid the effects of a lunar eclipse?
1. Chant Lord Vishnu and Mahamrityunjaya Mantra during lunar eclipse.
2. After the eclipse, take a bath and sprinkle Ganges water in the house.
3. After the eclipse is over, perform puja and make donations according to the financial situation.
4. After the solar eclipse, worship your Guru or Lord Shiva.
5. Donate white goods to the poor.

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