Caught in the battle of geo-politics, stuck on moderators… this is how France tightened the reins on Telegram’s billionaire CEO Pavel Durov!

Caught in the battle of geo-politics, stuck on moderators… this is how France tightened the reins on Telegram’s billionaire CEO Pavel Durov!

Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the Telegram messaging app, was arrested on Saturday evening. The arrest was made at Bourget Airport. This information was given by TF1 TV and BFM TV quoting unknown sources. Durov was traveling to Azerbaijan in his private jet.

Now the question arises why he has been arrested? Actually, this arrest has been made under a police investigation, which was focused on the lack of moderators on Telegram. In the initial investigation, the police found that the lack of moderators allowed criminal activities to go on unhindered on the messaging app. After this arrest, many speculations have started. Here we are going to tell you about the geo-political battle going on regarding CEO Pavel Durov and his app.

Pavel Durov was born in Russia

Russian-born CEO Pavel Durov started Telegram in 2013 with his brother. According to the report, after this the Russian government decided to close the community of opposition parties on his VKontakte app, which he did not accept. After this he left Russia in 2014.

Emphasis on being free

Reuters reports that Pavel Durov once told American journalist Tucker Carlson during April that I would prefer to be independent rather than taking orders from anyone. That is why he left Russia and started looking for another place for his company.

Telegram is necessary between Russia and Ukraine war

In the year 2022, during the Russia-Ukraine war, Telegram emerged as a major source of information, where unfiltered information is being sent from both sides, including some misinformation. It was being sent from both sides. After this, many experts said that it is a virtual battle field. It is used a lot by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his officials, as well as the Russian government. The Russian government also uses it and also denounces misinformation.

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The Russian Foreign Ministry said

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that its embassy in Paris is clarifying the situation regarding Durov. He also said that it will demand his release from Western non-governmental organizations.

Russia had blocked

Russia started blocking Telegram in 2018 because the app refused to obey a court order. In this order, the court wanted to access some encrypted messages due to state security. However, it is still used in many areas there.

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Unbiased Platforms

Pavel Durov has assets worth $15.5 billion, which if converted into Indian currency, comes to Rs 12,99,11,62,25,000. He said that many governments want to put pressure on him, but he will keep this app impartial and will never let it become a pawn of geopolitics. Telegram is becoming popular in many countries, although in many countries it is also being surrounded due to data security.

Close to 1 billion users

Telegram app will soon touch the target of 1 billion users. This platform is a popular app like Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram. This app is also present in India. It has many such features which are not available in other apps.