Russian Pranksters Release Hoax Video Call With UK’s David Cameron About Ukraine

In the call, David Cameron is shown talking on his mobile phone dressed casually somewhere outside. London:  Russian pranksters who often target people the Russian state is interested in released footage on Wednesday of a video call with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron after tricking him into thinking he was speaking to a former Ukrainian

US Religious Freedom Report Notes Violence Against Indian Minorities

Human rights experts say India has seen a rise in attacks on minorities under Prime Minister Modi. Washington: The U.S. State Department’s 2023 religious freedom report on India noted violent attacks on minority groups, especially Muslims and Christians, including killings, assaults and vandalism of houses of worship. The State Department report on international religious freedom

52-Year-Old Man Grows Rare Hair In Throat After Years Of Heavy Smoking

Austrian man smoked a pack of cigarettes daily for years A 52-year-old Austrian man who smoked a pack of cigarettes daily for years developed an extremely rare condition – hair growing inside his throat. This unusual situation, reported in the American Journal of Case Reports, shows the unexpected and sometimes serious complications that long-term smoking

Indian Envoy Calls Canada MPs’ Interference Charge “Politically Motivated”

Sanjay Verma’s remarks were the first formal response by India to the report. Ottawa: India has said a report by Canadian legislators alleging interference by New Delhi is politically motivated and influenced by Sikh separatists. Already chilly bilateral ties cooled further last month when a group of parliamentarians, citing intelligence reports, alleged some elected Canadian

This Collaboration Aims To Address Housing Needs Of Indian Students In UK

University Living and the National Indian Students and Alumni Union UK (NISAU) have announced a strategic partnership aimed at supporting Indian students pursuing higher education in the United Kingdom. At the NISAU India UK Education Conference 2024 in London, the two organizations solidified their collaboration to provide crucial assistance with accommodation and essential information for