Cancer had spread to the blood vessels, complex operation was done for free, 30 year old patient started walking on her feet

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A 30-year-old woman suffering from pancreas cancer has undergone a very complex surgery in Bhopal, the capital of Madhya Pradesh. The doctor of the cancer surgery department of the hospital along with his team carried out this surgery. In this case, the cancer had stuck to a blood vessel near the pancreas and even a small mistake during surgery could have been fatal for the patient. Usually this type of operation takes about 10-12 hours, but this entire operation was completed in just 3-4 hours. The patient’s condition is now much improved and he has been discharged from the hospital. The patient was treated free of cost under Ayushman Bharat scheme.

Dr. Sonvir Gautam, Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgical Oncology of BMHRC, said that the woman was suffering from pancreas cancer for the last 4 months. She was admitted to another hospital for operation, but the doctor refused to operate on the grounds that the cancer had spread from the pancreas to the nearby blood vein, the portal vein.

The portal vein is a very important vein, which carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen to the liver. During the operation, the vein could burst, which would prove fatal for the patient. After this the patient reached BMHRC. Considering the patient’s problems, we decided to perform this risky surgery.

Discussed the case with interventional radiologist Dr. Radheshyam Meena and it came to light that cancer can be removed from the blood vein. After this the patient was operated on, which was completely successful.

He told that this type of operation is completed in about 10-12 hours, but we completed it in just 4 hours. This helped in the quick recovery of the patient. Generally, due to bleeding in such operations, the patient has to undergo blood transfusion, but in this case there was no need to give blood from outside. The patient’s condition is now much improved and he has been discharged from the hospital. Watch Video:-

their say
Dr. Manisha Srivastava, director in-charge of BMHRC, said that the patient had come in a very critical condition. The cancer had spread a lot and the surgery was very risky. The patient has now recovered and returned home, this is a matter of great satisfaction for us.

What is pancreatic cancer?
This is a type of cancer, which starts from the pancreas. Pancreas is present in the lower part of our stomach. It produces enzymes that help digest food and produces hormones that help control blood sugar.

#what is the reason
Nothing can be said in the claim about what causes pancreas cancer. However, the possibility of this happening increases due to the following reasons.
1. Smoking
2. Pancreatitis
3. Someone in the family having the same disease before
4. Obesity
5. Consuming excessive alcohol


  • stomach ache
  • loss of appetite
  • weight loss
  • having jaundice
  • having dark urine
  • itching
  • diabetes not controlled

#fact file

  • 10860 cases of pancreas cancer are reported every year in India.
  • Every 2 men and 1 woman out of every 1 lakh people are suffering from this cancer.
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