Budget 2024: These are the Finance Ministers of the country… who could not present the budget, this was the reason

Budget 2024: These are the Finance Ministers of the country… who could not present the budget, this was the reason

The history related to the country’s budget is very interesting. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the budget today at 11 am. But do you know about such Finance Ministers of India, who remained Finance Minister but could not present the budget. The first name among these is of KC Niyogi, while the second name is of HN Bahuguna. Let us know what happened that these two former finance ministers could not present the budget during their tenure…

The country’s general budget will come today
The country’s general budget (Budget 2024) is going to be presented today. The budget session of Parliament started after the Prime Minister’s speech on Monday. Earlier, for the third consecutive time, the government has been formed at the Center under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and this is the first budget of Modi 3.0. This time many big announcements are expected in the budget. This will be Nirmala Sitharaman’s seventh consecutive budget as full-time Finance Minister.

KC Niyogi did not present the budget
Now let us talk about those two Finance Ministers included in the budget history, who despite holding this post, could not present any budget during their tenure. So the first name that comes is that of former Finance Minister Kshitish Chandra Niyogi, who remained on the post of Finance Minister but could not present the general budget of the country. Actually, he held the post of Finance Minister for only 35 days in the year 1948. He took over this responsibility in place of RK Shanmukham Chetty, but he submitted his resignation after 35 days. During this period he could not get a chance to present the budget.

Niyogi was the second finance minister of independent India.
Even though KC Niyogi served as Finance Minister for a very short period and he was the second Finance Minister of independent India. After his resignation from the post of Finance Minister, John Mathai took over the work of the Finance Ministry and became the third Finance Minister of the country. After this, Mathai presented the budget speech of that financial year in the Parliament.

HN Bahuguna is also in this list
The next name in the list of finance ministers who could not present the budget is that of Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna (HN Bahuguna), who held this post but he also did not get the chance to present the general budget. The situation with Bahuguna was similar to that of KC Niyogi, because his tenure also lasted only five and a half months. Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna became the Finance Minister in the year 1979 in the government of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, but the budget could not be presented even during her tenure.

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