Body full of wounds and blood flowing from private parts… Horrible story of 40 minutes of brutality with Kolkata’s Nirbhaya.

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Kolkata Trainee Doctor Murder Rape Case: Sanjay Roy, the culprit of Nirbhaya in Kolkata, reached the hospital for the first time at around 11 pm on 8th August. He stayed there for about half an hour. Then he left the hospital. After this he again reached the hospital at 1 o’clock in the night. But this time he came out of the hospital at 4.35 in the morning and went straight to the Kolkata Police barrack and slept. He had stayed for about 40 minutes in the seminar hall of the hospital in which the blood-soaked body of the trainee doctor was found.

Every wound has a different story
Both eyes injured. Blood leaking from the mouth. Injured lips. Whole face injured. Neck injured. The finger nails of both hands were injured. Blood flowing from injured private part. Left leg injured. Stomach injured. Heel of right foot injured. Ring finger of right hand broken. This is the list of injuries suffered by a trainee junior doctor from Kolkata. When this list itself is tearing the heart, then imagine if there is a story of each wound. What would happen if it was told like a story? To save herself and her honour, the junior doctor fought as long as her senses supported her and as long as she remained conscious. Despite being injured, she had saved herself and her honour. But the list of injuries was so long that she lost both pain and consciousness.

body full of wounds
Now he couldn’t even see that savage. Because the glass of the spectacles he was wearing had also broken and injured both his eyes. His eyes were closed and he was unconscious. And in this state of unconsciousness, he continued to rob her until she stopped breathing. But he was so drunk that he did not realize whether the junior doctor was alive or not. To prevent the doctor from making any noise, he kept pressing her mouth and stifling her screams as long as she remained conscious. Then when she got a chance, her hands reached her neck. Meanwhile, he did not even realize when he got strangled.

Doctor’s post mortem report will shock your heart
The post mortem report of the junior doctor has come out. This report gave the account of every wound. The report says that all the wounds found on the body of the junior doctor were found when she was trying to save herself. In this attempt the glass of his spectacles was broken. Whose pieces got stuck in his eyes. This was the reason for bleeding from both the eyes. The wounds on the face, nose and mouth came because the accused was continuously trying to control her. According to the report, the wound marks on the private parts appeared when the junior doctor had become unconscious and he was venting his anger.

Why did Sanjay kill the doctor?
But why did that monster named Sanjay Roy do this to the junior doctor? Did Sanjay have any enmity with the junior doctor? Did he want to achieve junior doctor? Or did he have bad intentions towards the junior doctor? To answer these questions, it was necessary to reveal Sanjay’s complete story. Especially on the day of the incident and a few days before that.

Sanjay Roy was a Kolkata Police volunteer
According to Kolkata Police, Sanjay’s routine for the last few days was something like this. On August 5, Sanjay Roy had gone to Salua, Kharagpur to attend a meeting of the Police Welfare Society. Actually Sanjay Roy used to work as a volunteer in Kolkata Police. In 2019, Sanjay joined the Disaster Management Group of Kolkata Police for the first time as a volunteer. Kolkata Police gives a specific amount every month to such civic volunteers. Later Sanjay Roy moved from disaster management to police welfare department.

Sanjay often stayed in the police barrack.
After some time, he was transferred from there to RG and posted in Medical College and Hospital Police Post. At present he was posted here. Although he was only a volunteer, yet he used to wear Kolkata Police tag on his bike. He even used to wear T-shirt and cap with KP written on it. Since he worked for Kolkata Police, he had good contacts with the police. Taking advantage of these contacts, he often stayed in the police barracks. Being a police volunteer, he had come to Salua, Kharagpur on August 5 to participate in the meeting of the Police Welfare Society. Where he stayed for a total of three days.

Sanjay used to take money for admitting patients
After staying in Salua for three days, he returned to Kolkata on the morning of 8 August. After coming to Kolkata, the first thing he did was go to RG Kar Hospital. Sanjay often used to collect money like a broker in the name of getting patients admitted in government hospitals. On August 8 also, he admitted a patient to the hospital in a similar manner. After admission he left the hospital. After this he did not go to the hospital for the whole day.

Sanjay came to help the patient
On the night of 8th August itself, at around 11 pm, Sanjay returns to RG and reaches the hospital. Here he meets the same patient whom he had admitted during the day. After coming to the hospital, he helps the patient in getting his X-ray done. The patient’s relatives were also present while the X-ray was being done. After getting the X-ray done, Sanjay leaves the hospital again.

drank alcohol with attendant
Now the date was 8th to 9th August. It was late night around 1 am. Sanjay comes to the hospital again. This time he comes to see the patient whom he had admitted and who was to undergo surgery the next day. After attending the patient, he goes to the rear part of the hospital building along with a attendant of the same patient. Both of them drink alcohol there. After drinking alcohol, Sanjay gives money to the attendant to go home on an Uber bike. That attendant now leaves the hospital.

Sanjay had reached the seminar hall staggering drunk.
Now it was three o’clock in the night. After sending the attendant home, a drunk Sanjay again enters the main building of the hospital. After this he goes to the third floor of the building. There was a chest medicine department on this floor. And there was a seminar hall on this floor. Sanjay, staggering under the influence of alcohol, enters the same seminar hall. As soon as he enters inside, his eyes fall on the same junior doctor who at that time had come to the same seminar hall for rest and was probably sleeping. Was already under the influence of alcohol, on top of that the third floor was deserted. There was no one else in the seminar hall.

The doctor had reached the seminar hall to rest at 3 o’clock
Actually, she was a junior doctor in night shift in the chest medicine department. After seeing all the patients, he had dinner in the canteen with four of his fellow doctors at 2 o’clock in the night. After having dinner, the rest of the doctors went to see the patients. Since the junior doctor had no work at that time, he decided to go to the same seminar hall to rest for a while. In fact, during the night shift, many doctors and other medical staff often used to go to the same seminar hall to relax. Because it remains empty at night. And there are about 35 to 40 chairs inside. The junior doctor reached the seminar hall at around 3 pm and started resting on a chair.

40 dreadful minutes of cruelty
Unfortunately, after some time, Sanjay was in the same seminar hall under the influence of alcohol and despite all the efforts in the same hall, the junior doctor could not free herself from his clutches. Sanjay stayed in this seminar hall for about 40 minutes. After this he leaves from there. When Sanjay left the hospital it was 4:37 in the morning.

The murderer slept in the police barrack after the incident
Look amazing, after robbing a doctor of his honor and taking his life, he does not leave the hospital and go anywhere else but goes to the nearby Kolkata Police barrack and sleeps without any worries. Now it was around 8 in the morning. At this very moment, a hospital staff enters the seminar hall on the third floor. There, the dead body of a junior doctor was lying in front of his eyes.

Doctor’s dead body was found in a semi-nude condition
Within a short time there was an uproar in the entire hospital. Kolkata Police had now reached the spot. His laptop and mobile were lying along with the dead body of the junior doctor on the spot. Also a Bluetooth neck band. There were upper clothes on the dead body but not the lower ones. The case was of rape and murder of a junior doctor inside a government hospital. Kolkata Police now starts its investigation. All the staff present in the night shift are interrogated. All the CCTV cameras of the hospital are scanned. Especially every camera installed on the routes leading to and coming from the seminar hall on the third floor is checked closely. And then for the first time, Sanjay Roy is seen staggering in the same camera. Kolkata Police’s own volunteer.

First clue found from CCTV footage
This camera gave the first clue to the police. In fact, when the police carefully looked at the CCTV camera, they found that when Sanjay went to the seminar hall at night, he had a Bluetooth neckband around his neck, but when he came out of the seminar hall at around 4.35 in the morning, he had the neckband on. Was not. And coincidentally, the police found a neck band along with the dead body of the junior doctor. It did not take long to find out from the hospital staff that Sanjay is a police volunteer and often spends the night in the police barrack.

Bluetooth neckband eliminates the scope for doubt
Immediately a police team reaches the barrack. Sleeping Sanjay is woken up and brought to the police station for questioning. But even before Sanjay was interrogated, the Bluetooth neckband had already given its testimony. The Bluetooth neckband found at the spot was easily connected to Sanjay’s mobile. Now there was no scope for doubt that the Bluetooth neckband recovered from the spot belonged to Sanjay.

DNA samples sent for testing
With the arrest of Sanjay, Kolkata Police claims that the case of rape and murder of the junior doctor has been solved. But there are still many questions worthy of doubting the Kolkata Police. For example, considering the stature of the junior doctor, people are not able to accept Sanjay’s ability to single-handedly control him. There are many people who strongly believe that the culprit behind the junior doctor is not Sanjay alone but some other people too. However, in response to this question, Kolkata Police has said that it has sent the DNA samples of both the junior doctor and Sanjay to the lab. If apart from Sanjay, there are other people involved among those who forced the junior doctor, then it will become clear from the DNA report.

(Aaj Bureau)

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