Filmmaker Prashant Neel has created a unique identity for himself in a very short span of time. Prashant Neel, who has worked with Yash in the series KGF and Prabhas in blockbusters like Salaar, has fans loving him The expectations have also increased a lot. Now, Prashant’s next, Bagheera, is all set to hit the big screen and the trailer of the superhero movie is quite interesting.
Prashant has written the story of Bagheera but is not the director himself. Hombale Films, the production house of “Kantara” and “KGF”, is also the producer of “Bagheera”. The superhero character in the film is played by Kannada film star Sri Murali, who was actually Prashanth Neil’s first hero. Neil’s debut film “Ugram” stars Sri Murali as the male lead. Ugram was highly appreciated by critics and it was from the film itself that people noticed Neil’s different cinematic style.
What is Bagheera’s story?
According to the trailer, the protagonist of the film is a police officer. At some point in the story, perhaps the police realize that crime in the city cannot be completely eradicated through legal means. From then on, he became a vigilante. He prepared a special bicycle, put on a mask, and went out in black clothes at night. He sets out to stop crime by killing criminals outside the confines of the law.
From the trailer of Bagheera, it can be seen that the arrival of the superhero makes the police feel very relaxed because they no longer have to do the hard work of fighting criminals. But according to the law, even if he is a superhero, he is also a killer. Famous south actor Prakash Raj plays a high-ranking army officer in the film who hopes to bring Bagheera to the people, dead or alive.
While Bagheera may seem like a run-of-the-mill superhero origin story, what’s most special about it are its production values. The film’s visual effects, stunts, and editing look pretty impressive. Prashant Neel’s track record is enough for the public to trust him. In addition, the film looks good in terms of editing, background music and action choreography. Watch the trailer of ‘Bagheera’ here:
Will Bagheera be released in Hindi?
Considering the pan-India success of Hombale Films, there are speculations that superhero films like Bagheera will also be released directly in 5 languages. But this time, the manufacturer is following the ‘Kantara’ model. The film will be released in Telugu along with the original Kannada version. The trailer has also just launched in both languages. But after the film receives public response, plans will be made to release it in other languages.
Fans also started commenting on the YouTube live broadcast of the trailer launch event and trailer video of Bagheera, saying that they also want to see the Hindi version of the film. Now, it remains to be seen what policymakers decide on this. “Bagheera” will be released in theaters on October 31.