Assam: Seniors injected drugs to junior student, principal received complaint of ragging on WhatsApp

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A case of ragging has come to light in Dhubri Medical College of Assam. A first semester student of Dhubri Medical College and Hospital wrote a letter to the principal on WhatsApp complaining about being given drugs during ragging. After this complaint, there was a stir in the college. The principal immediately called a meeting and started investigating the matter. The complainant student is a resident of Bihar state.

On this matter, the principal said that ‘At 3 o’clock we received a complaint on WhatsApp from one of our students in which it was said that the student was given an injection by some students at night. The said student alleges that he was given drugs in the name of ragging. We immediately called a meeting and formed a committee of four people along with a senior professor. That committee will complete the investigation and submit its report within two days’. After the investigation report comes out, action will be taken against the students who did the ragging.

What do psychologists say about ragging?

Dr. Rajeev Mehta, a senior psychiatrist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi, says that the mindset behind ragging gives a different kind of arrogant self-satisfaction. Students who consider themselves seniors try to show themselves superior and superior in front of juniors. Their seniors had ragged them, so they justify it with many arguments and compete to get one step ahead of their seniors by ragging them in even worse ways.

Senior psychiatrist Dr Satyakant Trivedi says that among other factors that promote ragging, consumption of alcohol or drugs in hostels and the mentality of challenging serious anti-ragging measures also go hand in hand. Many people may follow discipline from childhood, but in their minds they crave to go against it and do as they please. At the same time, in their homes or in the surrounding society, they see such an environment where a powerful or big person has a tendency to harass the younger one. In this, they get a feeling of happiness by harassing others. They see themselves as rulers and their juniors as exploiters. This mentality should be corrected from childhood itself by identifying the habits of violence, jealousy, doing wrong due to a sense of superiority in children.

Report- Ajay Kumar More

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