‘Aphophis asteroid will destroy the world’, ISRO chief warns about devastation

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There is a threat of a large asteroid hitting the Earth. All the major countries of the world are already preparing for this. Even India has started preparing. ISRO Chief Dr. S. Somnath has also expressed his concern about this asteroid. He has described it as extremely dangerous.

Dr. Somnath said in an interview that if a big asteroid hits the earth, humanity will be destroyed. ISRO is currently keeping a constant eye on this asteroid. It is tracking it. Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis (NETRA) project is going on for tracking it. The name of this dangerous asteroid is Apophis.

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ISRO Chief, S. Somanath, Apophis Asteroid

Apophis is equal to three football stadiums, INS Vikramaditya, the world’s largest Narendra Modi cricket stadium in Motera. It was discovered in the year 2004. Scientists fear that it may collide with the earth, although the possibility of collision is very low but scientists are not denying the collision.

It will come very close to the Earth after five years

Asteroid Apophis is 1230 feet wide. It is about the size of three and a half football fields. It may collide with the Earth in the year 2068. But before that it will pass by the Earth twice. First, five years from now, on 13 April 2029. Then it will pass just 32 thousand kilometers away from the Earth. India’s geostationary satellites are stationed farther away than this. Second time in the year 2036.

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ISRO Chief, S. Somanath, Apophis Asteroid
Image of the Apophis asteroid created by the European Space Agency. (Photo: ESA)

ISRO estimates that if a 300 meter large asteroid hits the earth, it can destroy the whole of Asia. There will be mass destruction in a radius of about 20 kilometers around the place of the asteroid’s impact. That means no population of any kind of living beings will survive. Everything will be destroyed.

How did it turn towards the earth?

Let us know how this asteroid, while moving in a safe orbit, suddenly turned towards the Earth? When a rock moving in space changes its path slightly due to the heat of the sun, it is called the Yarkovsky effect. Under this effect, the direction and speed of the asteroid changes. This speed is dangerous for the objects coming towards that asteroid in space.

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ISRO Chief, S. Somanath, Apophis Asteroid

Will there be a sure collision or not?

Scientists from all over the world, including ISRO, NASA and the European Space Agency, are assessing the path, speed and damage caused by the asteroid Apophis. Scientists said that the chance of it hitting the Earth is only once in 1.50 lakh. But the correct information about it will be available after the flyby in 2029. Because then better calculations will be possible. When it will pass at a distance of only 32 thousand kilometers from the Earth.

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