Anurag Thakur accuses opposition of sabotaging development

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2024-09-23 16:00:19 : At a political event in Khandwal, Jammu, BJP MP Anurag Thakur launched a blistering attack on the opposition parties, accusing them of hindering the development of Jammu and Kashmir and harboring There is destructive intent.

The event was organized by Bharatiya Janata Party leader and former Sapanchi Sonam Deep Singh Auragh to support the BJP Jammu South candidate Dr Narinder Singh. Thakur criticized the National Conference (NC), Congress, Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Pakistan, claiming that they all have a common goal of hampering progress in the region.
Thakur alleged that these parties have historically ignored the welfare of common people and focused only on their personal and family interests. He argued that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has launched important development projects in Jammu and Kashmir and these parties are actively trying to sabotage these projects. Thakur reiterated the BJP’s commitment to the region, in stark contrast to the alleged apathy of the NC, Congress and People’s Democratic Party.
Thakur came down heavily on National Conference leader Farooq Abdullah, accusing him of playing double-dealing and issuing different statements on Delhi and Kashmir to suit his own political agenda. He also criticized Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, accusing him of tarnishing India’s image on international platforms.
Thakur further criticized the Congress party, citing the 1984 anti-Sikh riots to highlight what he said was the party’s history of violence and betrayal. He blamed former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for atrocities committed against Sikhs during his tenure.
While linking Congress’ actions to those of Pakistan, Thakur referred to a controversial statement by Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khawaja Asif. Asif said Pakistan and the Congress alliance in Jammu and Kashmir were united in their desire to restore Article 370, which gave special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir before it was revoked in 2019. Thakur claimed that this alliance with Pakistan was further evidence of the opposition’s vested interest in creating instability in the region.
Dr. Narinder Singh, the BJP candidate from Jammu South, spoke at the event and highlighted his dedication towards the welfare of the people. He encouraged his constituents to see him as one of their own and promised to work tirelessly for their betterment.
He emphasized the PPP’s focus on development and progress, promising to improve living standards in the constituency.
Sonam Deep Singh Aulakh, organizer of the event, praised Dr. Narinder Singh for his humility and commitment to public service.
Orlacher lashed out at the National Council and Congress, likening voting to eating dirty dishes or wearing shabby clothes—an option people would naturally reject. DDC member Geetu Aulakh also spoke on the occasion.
DDC member Geetu Aulakh was also present and agreed with Thakur and Aulakh’s views. She was confident of people’s support for the BJP and assured Thakur and Singh that her constituency would deliver a landslide victory for the party.
Geetu Aulakh said Dr Narinder Singh’s victory will be so huge that the constituency will feel proud on the counting day.

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