In a shocking case in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, two policemen threatened a candle trader and extorted Rs 50,000. As soon as this incident came out, it immediately caused an uproar. The officer has since suspended the two accused policemen. Additionally, a case has been registered against him and further legal action has been taken.
It is important to note that ordinary people have expectations of justice from the police. When a thug extorts money from someone, he files a complaint with the police. But in Kanpur, the police themselves also resorted to extortion tactics.
The latest case comes from Kanpur’s Ghatpur district, where Uday Prakash Sahu, a businessman who runs a candle factory, claimed that he was taken to the police station under threat without a license, where he was subjected to torture. Finally, he was released after Rs 50,000 was recovered from him. The businessman complained to people at the trade organization and the matter was later reported to higher officials.
Ashish Sirohi, head of the town’s outpost, and another inspector allegedly arrived at the businessman’s house wearing wedding uniforms and started shooting videos, after which they threatened to take action as the factory did not have a license and took the businessman away Go to the outpost and be tortured. He also demanded 50,000 rupees. The businessman was released after withdrawing Rs 20,000 and Rs 30,000 in cash online.
When ACP Ghatampur Ranjit Naik investigated the matter, the allegations were found to be true. Following this, Kanpur police took action and suspended two policemen. In this case, Additional Commissioner Harish Chandra said that a case will be registered against the two policemen and action will be taken to arrest them.