An event that happens once in 100 million…world’s rarest lobster found

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Fisherman Joseph Cramer from New Hampshire, America, was catching fish and lobster in the sea. It is the end of July. The aim was to generate good income. But then they saw a blue lobster looking at them. Was trapped in their trap. It was too beautiful to eat.

It happens many times that you keep looking at the beauty of food. He doesn’t feel like eating. This lobster is also so beautiful. This blue colored lobster also has small splashes of purple and pink color on its body. Like a vessel made from Chinese pottery. Joseph has caught blue lobsters before too. But not like this.

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Cotton Candy Lobster

This lobster found by luck was removed from the dinner plate. He was taken to Seacoast Science Center. Now it has been kept here for exhibition. Upon investigation it was found that it was a Cotton Candy Lobster. Which is very rare. It appears only once in 10 crores.

Not brown like other lobsters

These lobsters are not brown, black or chocolate colored like their other counterparts. Because of their colour, they are easily hunted. That’s why they don’t appear quickly. Earlier in the year 2018, a lighter colored cotton candy lobster than Joseph’s lobster was seen off the coast of Canada.

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Cotton Candy Lobster

One color is caused by genetic mutation

When you take lobsters which usually look brown out of the water, you will see that they have red, yellow and blue pigments on their bodies. That means sprinkle. Sometimes due to genetic mutation one color becomes more dominant. The rest is not known.

The rarest sighting of this lobster is

A completely red lobster appears once in 10 million. Completely orange, yellow or mixed colored lobsters are seen once in 3 to 5 crores. But cotton candy lobster or albino lobster is seen once in 10 crores. This is nothing less than good news for Joseph Kramer.

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