Social media is abuzz with news of Jeet Adani’s wedding. The youngest son of industrialist Gautam Adani will marry Diva Jaimin Shah on February 7, 2025. The date was confirmed by Mr Adani himself when he visited the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj on January 21. Speaking to reporters, he said the wedding will be a simple affair. “We are like common people. Jeet came here to take Ma Ganga’s blessings. His marriage will happen in a simple and traditional way,” Mr Adani said.
The interest in the wedding of Jeet Adani, 27, is global with many outlets claiming that a host of celebrities, including Taylor Swift, will attend it. Other names circulating on social media are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Daniel Craig, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, the Kardashian sisters, Rafael Nadal, Diljit Dosanjh, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, Billie Eilish, Coldplay, and even King Charles and the Pope.
When asked if Jeet’s wedding will be a “Maha Kumbh of celebrities” as reported by many, Mr Adani said, “Definitely not.”
Here’s everything you need to know about Jeet Adani’s wedding.
The venue
The wedding will take place in Ahmedabad on February 7 and the pre-wedding festivities are expected to start from February 5. Jeet and Diva have been engaged since March 2023.
Reports have claimed that the wedding is expected to have not more than 300 guests, but the number has not been confirmed officially.
Who is Jeet Adani?
Mr Adani’s youngest son, Jeet is the Director at Adani Airports, the flagship company of Adani Group, which manages six airports in India. He is a graduate from University of Pennsylvania’s School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. As per posts on his X account, Jeet Adani is also learning to be a pilot.
Jeet Adani joined the Adani Group in 2019, according to the official website. He started his career in the Group CFO’s office, looking at strategic finance, capital markets and risk and governance policy.
Jeet Adani’s elder brother Karan heads Adani Ports and is married to Paridhi Adani.
Who is Jeet Adani’s fiancee?
Diva Jaimin Shah is the daughter of diamond trader Jaimin Shah, a big name of the world of business. The family prefers to keep away from the public glare.