Alangu, directed by S.P. Shakthivel, is an Indian action thriller set along the Tamil Nadu-Kerala border. The film depicts the clashes between Tamil tribal youths and Malayali political groups, inspired by real-life events. Featuring Gunanidhi, Kaali Venkat, and Chemban Vinod in pivotal roles, the bilingual project integrates Tamil and Malayalam dialogues. Produced under DG Film Company and Magnas Productions, Alangu premiered in theatres on December 27, 2024, offering audiences a blend of intense drama, historical depth, and emotional storytelling.
When and Where to Watch Alangu
Alangu was released in cinemas across India on December 27, 2024. The film has now became available on Amazon Prime Video from January 17, 2025.
Official Trailer and Plot of Alangu
The trailer of Alangu highlights its core themes of loyalty, conflict, and survival. It captures the tension and camaraderie shared between characters, drawing from the historical significance of war dogs during King Raja Raja Chozha’s reign. The narrative explores the socio-political struggles of Tamil and Malayali communities, focusing on the lives of tribal youth battling against oppression and political maneuvering.
Cast and Crew of Alangu
The film features Gunanidhi as Dharma, Kaali Venkat, and Chemban Vinod as Augustine, with Appani Sarath, Sreerekha, and others in supporting roles. Directed and written by S.P. Shakthivel, the movie’s technical brilliance is supported by cinematographer S. Pandikumar, editor San Lokesh, and composer Ajesh. The soundtrack reflects the cultural essence of the story.
Reception of Alangu
Alangu received mixed to positive reviews. Critics noted that while the screenplay had its flaws, the immersive storytelling and strong performances stood out. It has a strong IMDb rating of 9.4 / 10.