After Jauhar University, a leopard was caught in Maswasi area, two leopards were caught in Rampur in two days

After Jauhar University, a leopard was caught in Maswasi area, two leopards were caught in Rampur in two days

The forest department has caught a leopard for the second consecutive day in Rampur, Uttar Pradesh. This is the second leopard caught in a cage installed by the forest department in Maswasi area. Earlier, a leopard was caught on Sunday in a cage installed by the forest department near Jauhar University in Rampur. People have heaved a sigh of relief as two leopards were caught in two consecutive days in the traps installed by the forest department.

DFO Rampur Rajeev Kumar said, for the last 10-15 days we were getting information that there is a leopard around Jamuna Jamuni village of Maswasi area. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, we formed a team at our range officer level, which was patrolling and combing there from morning to evening. We were constantly tracing its location. On Sunday, we got its location.

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After this, we put a cage there. Then late at night the leopard got trapped in it. We have brought it to the safe range premises and further action is going on. When he was asked what would he like to say about the capture of two leopards in 2 days? On this, DFO Rampur said, we are working hard and this is our job. If information about wildlife is received anywhere, then it is our responsibility that no harm is caused to the wildlife and no harm is caused to any human and it is caught. For this, our team is working hard day and night.

If information about leopard is received from somewhere else, further action will be taken

DFO Rampur further said, at present there was information of only one leopard in Maswasi, but our team is alert and working hard day and night. If there is any other leopard there, it will also be caught soon. Apart from this, we will discuss with the staff and ask the staff to remain alert. If information is received from somewhere else, further action will be taken.

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