After announcing his resignation, Kejriwal said, “The next prime minister will be decided at the legislative party meeting.”

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Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a major announcement on Sunday, saying he will resign as chief minister within two days. During this he said, “I want Delhi to hold elections soon.” Kejriwal said, “I want to say that I will not take the CM’s post. Manish Sisodia will not become the chief minister either. Some other leaders will continue to serve as CM. Sisodia and I will go public.” Kejriwal said the decision on the next chief minister will be taken at the party meeting in the Legislative Assembly.

What did Arvind Kejriwal say?

Addressing the workers, Arvind Kejriwal said, “I will resign in two days from today. I will not sit on the minister’s chair till then, I will not sit on the minister’s chair till then. I will not sit on the chair until the public judges that Kejriwal is honest. “Some people are saying that the Supreme Court has imposed some conditions and they have spared no efforts to impose these conditions in the last 10 years. The central government is trying to stop my work by making laws. These situations have also been seen,” Kejriwal said.

Also read: ‘I will resign as Chief Minister in two days…’, Arvind Kejriwal announces the big news in front of supporters on stage

Says – Elections should be held as soon as possible

Kejriwal said if you think Kejriwal is honest then support him strongly. There are elections in February. My demand is to hold elections immediately. Elections should be held in November along with Maharashtra. The election of new CM will be held in the next 1-2 days. Manish Sisodia also said that he will take on the dual duties of Deputy CM and Education Minister only after the Pakatan Harapan elections. ,

BJP under siege

Arvind Kejriwal has cornered the BJP during this period. He said that with the blessings of the public, we have the strength to fight back against all the conspiracies of the BJP. He said that we will not give in, stop or sell out before the BJP. Kejriwal said that today we can do a lot for Delhi because we are honest. They are afraid of our honesty because it is dishonest.

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