After all, what happens at rave parties? Will the police catch you if you go there?

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Often there are reports that the police have arrested some people from rave parties. Apart from this, rave parties are also associated with intoxication etc. Recently, the police in Noida detained 38 college students from a rave party, who were partying in a building. Earlier, the police had arrested more than 100 people from a party in Bengaluru and later it was found that most of them were intoxicated.

In such a situation, the question is what exactly is a rave party and how do people celebrate in these parties. Also, another question is that if someone goes to a rave party and does not consume drugs there, can the police still arrest him?

What is a rave party?

If we look at the meaning of rave, then according to the Cambridge University website, when someone speaks without any control, it is called a rave. In such a situation, many people associate it with uncontrol. At the same time, party means a social event in which some people meet at one place and eat, drink, dance and enjoy. In such a situation, parties in which people have fun without any restriction can be called rave parties.

By the way, rave parties are those parties in which many people meet at one place and dance. Often electronic music is used more in such parties. People dance to the tune of this electronic music, which is called a rave party.

What happens in these parties?

Now let’s talk about what happens in these parties, due to which they remain in the news. Although there is dance and fun in rave parties. However, in the name of fun, the trend of obscenity and drugs has also increased, due to which rave parties are considered negative. Actually, whenever the police goes to such parties, they find people with intoxicants or in a state of intoxication, whom the police takes into custody and takes further action. Often couples and stags enter these parties and boys and girls enjoy and dance together. Due to intoxication, action is taken by the police in the party.

Are rave parties illegal in India?

There is no specific law regarding rave parties in India, but if other rules are violated in a party then action can be taken. For example, if someone has a problem with the music of a party then action can be taken against them. At the same time, if drugs are found in parties which are called rave parties or if someone is found intoxicated then action can be taken against them.

Under the NDPS i.e. Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, using, keeping, buying, selling and manufacturing narcotic drugs other than for medical and scientific reasons is a crime. In such a situation, if someone consumes drugs in a party or drugs are found with him, action can be taken against him.

Can the police catch me?

As far as police arrest is concerned, attending a rave party is not a crime. A law website has quoted a case and said that the Bombay High Court had said that attending a rave party is not a crime, unless a person is found with drugs or has used any drug or is involved in buying and selling drugs. Similarly, organising such parties in hotels or bars etc. is also not a crime, but drugs should not be used there.

However, if you are found at a place where a raid has taken place or drugs are being served, then in that case you can be questioned. The police can question you about going there and can also get a medical checkup done.

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