A woman’s experience of coming back from the dead increased her faith in God – this story will give you goose bumps! – Woman shares her near-death experience

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2024-09-22 13:16:54 :

Is there a new life after death? This question has puzzled mankind for centuries. But this is the story of Nancy, who grew up on a small family farm in Chicago. Questions like life after death are not important to her. The existence of God is meaningless to them. For her, there is only this life and nothing after that.

But a terrible accident shook Nancy’s faith. Now her life has a new direction and she believes in God. In his YouTube channel “Coming Home”, he shares his interesting story of his transformation from an atheist to a theist, in which he mentions some aspects that were considered impossible for science.

How Nancy’s Life Changed Nancy’s Life

According to the Daily Mail, this turning point in Nancy’s life came when she was 46 years old. His SUV was involved in a horrific accident and he was seriously injured. The accident was so severe that he suffered a collapsed lung and deep injuries to his back and head. A bone was also broken, five ribs were broken, and one lung was completely collapsed.

Who is that mysterious man?

Doctors decided to perform surgery to save his life. No one knew if she could come back from this dangerous accident. As soon as the doctor team gave her anesthesia, Nancy had a wonderful experience. Suddenly, she entered a blurry world, and a mysterious man came to her and said to her: You have more life to live.

Nancy said she didn’t want to live anymore. But from the fog came a voice – you must understand the meaning of your life and pass it on to others.

Then, a magical movie screen appears in front of him and he sees himself planning his life. The mist takes him to a valley and lets him touch a pond. As Nancy sees those short video-like moments on the water, she realizes that every time she says or does something to someone, it not only affects her, but also others.

At that moment, Nancy learned that every action has consequences. She experienced those moments in her life again, but this time from someone else’s perspective. The experience completely changed her mind. Now, she began to see life from a new perspective.

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