RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said in Amravati that oppression in the name of religion takes place due to lack of understanding about religion.

Mohan Bhagwat.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Sunday said all oppression and atrocities taking place in the name of religion are due to misunderstanding and lack of understanding about religion. He believed that religion was important and advocated its proper education. He said that religion has always been there and everything works according to it and that is why it is called Sanatan. To practice religion is to protect it.

Addressing the centenary celebrations of Mahanubhava Ashram in Amravati, Maharashtra, he said religion is important and should be given proper education. Because an incorrect and incomplete understanding of religion can lead to unrighteousness. He further said that all the oppression and atrocities that occur in the name of religion around the world actually occur due to misunderstanding and lack of understanding of religion.

Earlier, human religion was described as eternal among all religions.

Earlier on Friday, Bhagwat had said that human religion is the eternal religion among all religions and is also the world religion. It is also known as Hinduism. However, the world has forgotten this religion. Their religious beliefs were the same, but they have forgotten it, so today we see different types of problems, including environmental problems.

The Sangh leader further said that many people outside our country believe that world peace is not possible without India’s role. He believed that only India and its rich traditions could do this, and had done so for three thousand years. It is our responsibility to meet this need in the world.

Advise the person to stay away from themselves

Two days ago, Bhagwat, while addressing the silver jubilee celebrations of the Bharat Vikas Parishad Center for People with Disabilities, said that everyone should keep his ego aside otherwise he will fall into a pit. He cited the teachings of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to illustrate his views on the self.

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