Bangalore: A heartbreaking case occurred in Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka. Two people were reportedly murdered following a dispute over messaging and video calls to a woman in Bengaluru’s Yelahanka area. Police provided information on Thursday that two people had been arrested on murder charges. Police said 21-year-old Nepali security guard Vikram Singh and 33-year-old Chhoto Turi, a resident of Bihar, were found dead inside the chemical plant complex. Vikram Singh used to work in this factory.
“The victim was eating when the incident occurred.”
According to officials, the incident took place on Sunday night when Vikram Singh and Turi were having dinner at the factory campus. Singh and Turi knew the accused, identified as Samar and Sangam. Samar and Sangam are also residents of Nepal. It is alleged that after the two entered the factory premises, they got into an argument over the girlfriend of one of the defendants. Things progressed to the point where the defendant allegedly attacked the victim with a knife. A senior police officer said the accused allegedly attacked the two persons with gas cylinders, cooking utensils and tiles.
“Turi has nothing to do with this case”
The deaths came to light on Monday morning when someone saw the bodies and notified police. Sajith VJ, deputy commissioner of police, North East, said: “We have arrested two persons in connection with this double murder case. Singh had sent messages and made video calls to the girlfriend of one of the accused. Samar and Sangam responded to this Outraged, he attacked him and killed both of them. Turi, who was a driver for a textile company and had no connection with the case, had tried to stop the attack on Vikram but was reportedly killed, the police officer said. Because the attacker feared he would notify the police. (Language)
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