If our government comes, we will lift prohibition immediately…Prashant Kishore’s big announcement

Prashant Kishore is the founder of Jansuraj

Jan Suraj founder Prashant Kishore has announced that the liquor ban will be lifted in Bihar if his government comes to power. Prashant Kishore made the announcement ahead of by-elections to four assembly seats in Bihar. Jan Suraj, the party led by Prashant Kishore, fielded candidates in the parliamentary by-elections for the first time and announced its participation in the next parliamentary elections.

Commenting on the Nitish Kumar government’s imposition of prohibition in Bihar, he said Gandhi did not say that alcohol should be banned through legislation and these people did not understand Gandhi.

Prashant Kishore says if there is any benefit from imposing liquor ban, but in Bihar Where is the prohibition? There is a liquor mafia in every house. Prohibition should be lifted. He said the alcohol ban only applied to government documents and speeches by leaders.

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Attacks on people protesting against lifting of Prohibition

He said if our government comes, we will lift prohibition immediately. Prashant Kishore took a dig at those who are opposing the lifting of the liquor ban, saying those who are opposing the lifting of the liquor ban are those who are making money through illegal liquor business. Every official associated with Nitish Kumar has a connection with the liquor industry. There are people involved with alcohol in all three parties. In fact, these people are doing injustice to the people of Bihar.

Replying to a question, Prashant Kishore said, “Prohibition on liquor is not enforced anywhere in Bihar. Only liquor shops are locked in the state and door-to-door deliveries are being made everywhere.”

Prohibition caused loss of Rs 20,000

He said the people of Bihar were facing a loss of Rs 20,000 every year due to the so-called ban. Money from the country’s poor was plundered in the name of prohibition, and the money went to officials and liquor mafia, while liquor was sold in every village.

He questioned why people would die from drinking poisoned liquor if prohibition was imposed in Bihar. He traveled to various districts of Bihar. During that time, people told how people in their area died from drinking poisoned wine. People will not even report deaths due to poisoned alcohol to the police because they fear they will be punished. Liquor prohibition is not enforced anywhere in Bihar. There are wine sellers everywhere here.

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