Mahalakshmi is one of them! The body parts were in the refrigerator, the murderer hung them from a tree, and the “confession” was recorded on a piece of paper.

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Mahalakshmi Murder Case: The story begins with a refrigerator in a house in Bengaluru on September 21 and ends on the morning of September 25 with a body hanging from a tree in a village in Bhadrak district of Odisha. Yes, the killer of Bengaluru-based 29-year-old Mahalakshmi has been found but is dead. Because he had hanged himself from a tree before the police arrived. But before committing suicide, he not only confessed to the murder of Mahalakshmi, but also revealed the reasons for the murder. Whose secrets are buried in his diary.

Mukti Ranjan Roy used to work only with Mahalakshmi.
Mukti Ranjan Roy, 31, is a resident of Bhadrak district in Odisha. But he used to work in Bangalore. Mahalakshmi also used to work in the same mall in Bengaluru where Mukti used to work. There the two met and became friends. Then love. This love took Mahalakshmi’s life. Before knowing the full story of this heart-breaking incident, let us tell you what Mukti Ranjan Roy wrote in his suicide note before committing suicide-

On September 3, I killed my girlfriend Mahalakshmi. I’m tired of his behavior. We had a quarrel over some personal matter and during the quarrel I killed him. After the murder, I cut the body into pieces and disposed of it.

The fight between Mahalakshmi and Mukti has been reported to the police.
It is clear from this suicide note that Mukti Ranjan and Mahalakshmi were related, but Mahalakshmi was also closely related to some other people, which became the reason for the quarrel between the two. The fight between the two was even reported to the police. To get out of police control, a bribe of Rs 10,000 has to be paid. Mukti wrote in her suicide note that Mahalakshmi initially tried to kill her, but she killed him in a rage and cut her body into pieces with a knife brought by Mukti. One peculiar thing is that Mukti wrote this suicide note on September 13, ten days after the murder. But he committed suicide on September 25.

Mukti Ranjan’s number found in Mahalakshmi’s CDR
Now let us tell you how Bengaluru police got the clue about Mukti Ranjan Rai. On September 21, when Mahalakshmi’s dismembered body was found in the refrigerator, police also found Mahalakshmi’s mobile phone. The phone has been switched off since September 3rd. Mukti Ranjan Roy’s number was first recovered from Mahalakshmi’s call details.

Mukti Ranjan disappeared along with Mahalakshmi.
On the other hand, when the police questioned the store in the mall where Mahalakshmi used to work, they found that the last time Mahalakshmi went there was on September 1. When the rest of the store’s employees were questioned, it was discovered that another employee was also missing. This has been the case since Mahalakshmi went missing on September 1. This employee is Mukti Ranjan Roy. Now the police have started investigating the call details of Mukti Ranjan. It was later discovered that the location of his mobile phone was near Mahalakshmi’s home on September 2 and 3. From here, the police became suspicious of Mukti.

Mukti Ranjan Roy’s brother reveals the secret
Investigation revealed that Mukti Ranjan Roy lived with his brother in a rented house some distance from Mahalakshmi’s house. The police now reached Mukti’s home in Bengaluru. Mukti’s brother was found at the home. He told police that on September 3, Mukti called him and told him to vacate the house immediately and shift to another location. When asked, he said he would not tell others over the phone but all together. After this, Mukt met his brother and told him that there was blood on his hands. So now he can’t live in Bangalore, he is going to the village. And he left Bangalore at that very moment.

Here’s how police tracked Mukti Ranjan Roy’s location
Now, Bengaluru police have started tracking Mukti’s location through her mobile phone. The first location was discovered in Bhubaneswar. Then there is Calcutta. As soon as the location was known, many teams from Bengaluru police left for Odisha and West Bengal. But at the same time, Mukti Ranjan Roy changed his SIM card. But fortunately, he has inserted the new SIM card into the old phone. This means his location is still being tracked.

Mukti Ranjan Roy also informed her mother about the murder.
Three teams from Bengaluru have reached Bhubaneswar. Information about Mukti has also been provided to the Bhubaneswar police. But at the same time, around 10 pm on September 24, Mukti quietly reached the village in Bhadrak district. After returning home, Mukti also confessed to her mother that Mahalakshmi was murdered by her own hands.

Mukti’s mother makes this serious allegation
Mukti Ranjan Roy’s mother also claimed that he used to spend most of his salary on Mahalakshmi. Despite this, Mahalakshmi kept asking for more money and gifts from him. After staying at home for about six hours, at 4 am, while the rest of the family was sleeping, Mukti Ranjan Roy took her bags and laptop and left on her father’s motorcycle. He left his home about 3 kilometers away at night and hanged himself on this tree.

There is a suicide note written in the diary
Police searched Mukti Ranjan Roy’s bag after her death. So a diary was found inside. On a page of the same diary there is a suicide note written by Mukti. After post-mortem, Odisha police handed over Mukti’s body to her family. His last rites were also performed later. Bengaluru police are also reaching there now. She will now go to court to obtain Mukti’s suicide note and conduct further investigations.

No murder scene found
However, with Mukti’s death, the Mahalaxmi murder case is now nearing closure. But many questions remain, and answers are difficult to find. Even the sharp weapon used to dismember Mahalakshmi’s body was not found by the police and may never be found now. Apart from this, if there were others who helped Mukti murder Mahalakshmi, the truth may never come out.

The truth of this conspiracy will never be revealed
No matter how one tells the story of Mahalakshmi’s murder and her 59-piece body, the reality is that it is now impossible to reveal the truth about the relationship between Mahalakshmi and Mukti Ranjan Roy, the real reason for the fight and the entire incident. The intrigue of this story. Because there are only two characters in this conspiracy, this story, this relationship, and this murder. One Mahalakshmi and one Muktir Ranjan Rai.. Both are not in this world. This means the case is closed.

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