Pakistani beggars become headache for Saudi Arabia, warns of action

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Saudi Arabia has warned Pakistan to beware of beggars. Many people come from Pakistan for religious pilgrimage but during their stay they start begging. The kingdom sees this as a big problem. Saudi Arabia has asked Pakistan to take control of them and could impose some restrictions if it fails to do so.

In fact, the Saudi Hajj Ministry has written to the Pakistani Ministry of Religious Affairs to strictly control entry into Saudi Arabia through Umrah visas. In response, Pakistan’s Ministry of Religious Affairs decided to introduce the Umrah Bill, handing regulatory responsibilities to travel agencies that normally handle visas and other functions.

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Saudi Arabia is relieved

Saudi Arabia has also called on the Pakistani government to find such measures so that beggars cannot enter the kingdom under the pretext of religious pilgrimage. Last year, during a meeting with Saudi Ambassador Nawaf bin Saeed Al-Malki, Pakistan’s Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi assured and spoke of strict action against mafia who send beggars to Pakistan action.

Pakistani agencies taking action against beggars

Pakistan has handed over responsibility for cracking down on the network to its national investigative agency. Pakistan’s External Affairs Minister Zeesan Khanzada said most of them travel to Saudi Arabia on Umrah visas and engage in begging there. Action is often taken against them as well.

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Action underway against people traveling to Saudi Arabia

Just last month, it was revealed that 11 so-called beggars were on board a flight to Saudi Arabia, but they were kicked off the plane. During interrogation, he also admitted that his purpose was to go to Saudi Arabia to beg. Likewise, in 2022, 16 so-called beggars on a plane were deplaned and arrested. It is also common that most pickpockets are Pakistani.

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