‘It comes with a huge responsibility. But it doesn’t feel like a weight’: Melinda France Gates on wealth

'It comes with a huge responsibility. But it doesn't feel like a weight': Melinda France Gates on wealth
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2024-09-24 11:40:18 :

Melinda French Gates has spoken out about the challenges that come with great wealth, saying it brings not only privileges but also great responsibilities. In a recent interview with Vanity Fair, the philanthropist, whose net worth is estimated to be between $11 and $13.5 billion, shared her thoughts on the “surreal” nature of her wealth.

“It comes with a huge responsibility. But it doesn’t feel like a burden,” said Melinda French Gates, explaining that while her wealth itself isn’t heavy, The “heavy part” is witnessing the struggles of mothers trying to feed their children and thinking about how to do that. Contribute to improving their lives.

Her fortune is estimated at $11 billion, according to Forbes, while the Bloomberg Billionaires Index puts her net worth at nearly $13.5 billion. Melinda French Gates has been involved in philanthropy for more than two decades, through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which she co-founded with her ex-husband Bill Gates in 2000 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will donate most of its wealth to charity.

In June, three years after her divorce from Gates, Melinda France Gates resigned as co-chair of the foundation. After her resignation, an additional $12.5 billion was earmarked for her ongoing philanthropy. She pledged to use the funds for work that supports women and families.

Melinda French Gates supports Kamala Harris campaign

In the Vanity Fair interview, French Gates also revealed that some of her personal wealth has been spent on political donations, noting that her support for Kamala Harris’ campaign was “substantial.”

Reflecting on wealth and philanthropy, French Gates previously said, “If you are lucky enough to become a billionaire, believe me, you can donate half of it, but it will not change your life. We should have a society like this : Whatever the reason, wealth is in your hands and you can put it back into society so you can change and uplift others.”

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