J&K Election Office suspends 21 government employees and fires 5 casual workers

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Jammu, September 23: The Chief Election Office has initiated action against 21 government employees, casual laborers and day laborers after they were found participating in electioneering activities to ensure transparency in the ongoing assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir.

Johnson & Johnson’s chief electoral officer said: “We acted quickly based on detailed field investigation reports and found that 21 employees involved in political campaigns have been suspended, while five casual employees, including temporary workers and others who were proven to be involved in political campaign allegations, have been relieved of their duties.” position.” said.

Meanwhile, 20 employees have been redeployed from their original offices and posted to other offices to ensure they do not engage in such behavior as to avoid raising suspicions that they are involved in campaigning or supporting any particular party or candidate.

The CEO said notices have been sent to 15 employees who have received complaints about their involvement in the campaign and their cases are being investigated.

In addition, he said some 51 complaints have been closed as detailed investigations proved that they were not involved in political campaigning.

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