After all, on whose strength does Hezbollah rely in its conflict with Israel? What’s its secret power?

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After the Lebanese armored vehicle attack, a series of attacks began between Israel and Hezbollah. Earlier Israel attacked Hezbollah areas, and now Hezbollah is attacking Israel. After the Hezbollah attack, the question now is what power Hezbollah has and attempts to use it against Israel. In this case, let us know which countries are supporting Hezbollah and if we look at the weapons, what is the secret power of Hezbollah?

What is Hezbollah?

Hezbollah was formed in 1982 by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards during Lebanon’s 1975-90 civil war. It was part of Iran’s efforts to promote the 1979 Islamic Revolution and to confront Israeli forces following the 1982 invasion of Lebanon. It emerged in the Shia community during this period. To further develop Tehran’s Shia Islamic ideology, Hezbollah recruited Lebanese Shia Muslims. It grew from a faction into an armed force with considerable influence in Lebanon. Many countries, including the United States, consider it a terrorist organization. Iran is considered Hezbollah’s largest source of funding.

How powerful is Hezbollah?

According to the BBC, Hezbollah is the most fully armed non-state military force in the world. Its leader claims the group has 100,000 fighters, but estimates suggest the number could be as high as 50,000. Many are highly trained and have fought in many wars, including the Syrian civil war. After Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah made southern Lebanon somewhat of a stronghold.

It is said to be maintained by Iran. However, many other countries also support Hezbollah and promote their agenda. According to CNN, Hezbollah is well-aligned with Iranian-led fighting groups spread across Gaza, Yemen, Syria and Iraq. Iran provides weapons and training to Hezbollah. Because of this, Hezbollah has a vast network.

How powerful are the weapons?

Many reports claim that Hezbollah possesses between 120,000 and 200,000 rockets and missiles. They have small surface-to-surface rockets. In addition to this, there is a stockpile of missiles. Hezbollah’s weapons and specially trained fighters set it apart from Hamas. In addition, special work on technical aspects is still being done.

How many types of missiles are there?

Katyusha” 107-122mm-range 4-40 kilometers
Fajr-1/63 type – 8-10 km range
Falaq-1- 10-11 km range
Falaq-2- 10-11 km range
Shahin-1- 13 km range
Type 81 – 20.5km range
Fajr-3- 43km range
Fajr-5- 75km range
Khaibar-1- 100 km range
Zelzal-1- 125-160 km range
Zelzal-2- 210 km range
Fateh-110- 250-300 km range
Scud-B/C/D-Plus 150-400 (guided missile)

How many types of airplanes are there?

Mirsad 1/Ababil-T: 120 km

Mirsad 2/Mohajer 4: Range 150 km

Ma’arab/Qods Yasir: Range 200 km

Kara: 1000 km range

Shahed-129: Range 2,000 km

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