Earth will have a mini moon this month. Do you know how long it will stay?

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2024 PTS … This is the name of our new moon. This small satellite will orbit the Earth for about two months. It is a mini-moon. Actually it is an asteroid. He is on a long journey through space. But under the influence of the Earth’s gravity, after a turn here he will move forward.

The destination of this small satellite coming to Earth for a visit is its asteroid belt. The name of this asteroid belt is the Arjun asteroid belt. It exists between the Earth and the Sun. After leaving here, he will go directly back to his home. This belt is 150 million kilometers away from the Sun. The distance from the Earth to the Sun is almost the same.

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Mini-moons, asteroids, Earth

Carlos de la Fuente Marco, a professor at the University of Madrid, said that the Arjun asteroid belt has a different direction. The stones in this belt are generally near-Earth objects. Some of these stones are very close to the ground. The distance is about 4.5 million kilometers. Their speed can reach 3,540 kilometers per hour.

Mini-satellites approach Earth in two ways

There are two ways a minimoon event can happen. The first is that an object comes and is trapped by the Earth’s gravity and cannot escape for a year or two. It continues to orbit the Earth. Secondly, if the rock comes in a short time. It circles the Earth half a circle or a full circle. This can take a few days to a few weeks.

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Mini-moons, asteroids, Earth

These are the mini satellites that are already roaming the Earth

So far, two small rock moons have been formed twice over a long period of time. The first 2006 RH120 and 2020 CD3. Besides that, three were trapped for a short time. These are – 1991 VG, 2022 NX1 and this time 2024 PTS. Scientists all over the world are waiting for the arrival of this small moon. Dedicated to studying its path and behavior.

You can’t see it with a regular telescope or binoculars. To see this, you need a telescope with a CCD or CMOS detector of at least 30 inches in diameter. A report on this mini-satellite was recently published in the NASA magazine Research Notes.

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