“Seeing two children tied with chains…”, the mother of a special child made such an application, and parents expressed their gratitude.

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Archana Pandey, a resident of Noida, came as an angel to a parent of a special child. Archana is a teacher by profession and a mother of a special child. His son Vaibhav is 16 years old. Vaibhav suffers from multiple diseases including cerebral palsy. Archana created an app for special children which contains information about their growth, education and progress. Complete information about this is available on this app. The app called “Shiksha Archana” has been online for just two months and more than a thousand parents of special children have joined.

Free for everyone

This app is absolutely free. Teachers, neurosurgeons, therapists and counselors from 75 districts of UP and 5 states are connected to this app. Any parent who has just started raising a special child can get all the information from start to finish on this app. Where are the treatment centers, where are the government centers, where can you find equipment and items related to special children, all the information can be found on this app.

Also Read – Teachers’ Day: Know UP teacher Didi, who has transformed the lives of hundreds of disabled children, PM Modi has also praised her.

I saw two children tied with chains.

Akana said that when her son was three years old, she used to send him to a school for special children. One day, their mother brought two special twin children in chains, but at the first opportunity, they started beating each other. They beat each other so much that both were sent to the hospital. Akana asked their mother why these children were killing each other? His mother said she didn’t know. That’s when he realized how important it is to guide parents.

The doctor said my son would never be able to stand

Akana said her son is six months old and weighed 800 grams at birth. He was on a ventilator three times in 15 days. The doctor said your son will never be able to stand and walk. But I trained myself for this. Took many courses. Today my son can do all the work by himself.

Taking care of one special child is a difficult task in itself. But imagine Akana along with her son taking care of all these parents and their special children whom she doesn’t even know. She is trying to connect with all of them through this app.

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