What is the UN summit and can India become a permanent member of the Security Council?

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The summit will be held at the United Nations headquarters in the United States at a time when many parts of the world are experiencing ongoing internal and external wars. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not only attend the summit but will also deliver a speech at the summit on September 23. This meeting held under extremely unstable circumstances is also known as the “Future Summit”. Do you know, what is its significance and how big a role will India play in it?

The United Nations Summit is also called the United Nations General Assembly. In layman’s terms, a summit is a meeting and discussion held by people interested in the same topic, and some decisions are made. When it comes to the United Nations Summit, it brings together global leaders on a platform to discuss international issues. Summits can not only be United Nations, but also multiple countries or regions. For example, a summit can only discuss the environment, or a summit can only discuss business.

What is the purpose of the UN summit?

– Talk about global issues such as climate change, war, inflation, poverty and epidemics.
– Increase cooperation between member states on different issues, or reduce tensions.
– Make decisions at the policy level to ensure peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

What’s the problem this time?

Every year an agenda is set and discussions are held around it. This time it is called the Summit for the Future and is centered around two things – people and the planet. This means that a consensus can be built on the issue of saving people and the planet. For this purpose, a 20-page document – the Compact for the Future – was also developed. This is a kind of action plan that the member states will discuss.

UN Future Summit 2024 What's on the agenda? Photo: Getty Images

This is a major and very delicate opportunity for the United Nations, which has set the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. Among these goals, which were set in 2015, many socio-economic and environmental issues must be addressed in order for the United Nations to remain relevant.

What role can India play?

Prime Minister Modi will also be speaking on this big platform. But even before that, the discussion about India has already started. It is speculated that the forum may discuss the reform of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and India can get a permanent seat. What I can tell you is that India continues to push for UNSC reforms. Even four out of five permanent members are in favor of this, but China always keeps creating obstacles. If India joins the most powerful institution in the world like the UNSC, the Indian voice will gain more influence. Currently, India has good relations with almost all the countries in the world where there are wars. In this case, even if India becomes a permanent member, its peace appeal can be very effective.

We told you that on the eve of the summit, US Ambassador to the United Nations Greenfield said that Washington has always supported India, Germany and Japan to join the UN Security Council. This sentence gives a lot of hints, although it is not clear at present.

What's on the agenda for the 2024 UN Future Summit Photo - Getty Images

While we’re at it, let’s also take a look at what the United Nations is and why it continues to attract so much attention.

After the Second World War, countries decided to form an umbrella and work together for peace and development. In June 1945, a conference was held in San Francisco, where people from 50 countries participated. They were led by Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and China. India was also one of the founding members. It was here that the Charter of the United Nations was formulated. The main theme of the Charter is – We the Peoples of the United Nations. These people, that is, this country, are focused on two things – avoiding war at all costs and upholding human rights. Currently, 193 countries have joined.

Where does the funds come from?

This international organization, which invests a lot of money in human rights causes around the world, gets its funds in two ways. Every member country has to pay some money. This is a mandatory amount that depends on the country’s population, needs, and whether it is rich or poor. There is another way of funding, which is voluntary fundraising. In this regard, if any rich country wants, it can give money to the United Nations for any special work, such as education or peace.

The most powerful branch of the United Nations is the UN Security Council, which has five permanent members. India has always advocated for this. Russia and the United States also still support India. Now there is speculation that something big may happen at this summit, or the countries can reach a consensus on this.

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