Study: This popular diabetes drug slows brain aging in monkeys

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A recent study highlights the potential of metformin, a commonly used diabetes drug, to slow the aging process in monkeys. The study, published September 12 in the journal Cell, shows that daily doses of metformin can preserve cognitive function and slow the effects of aging on various tissues, especially the brain. The study raises the intriguing possibility that metformin could one day be used to slow aging in humans.

Effects of metformin on cognitive function

In a study conducted by Liu Guanghui and his team at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 12 elderly male crab-eating macaques took metformin daily for 40 months, equivalent to 13 years in humans. The researchers observed that the rate of cognitive decline in monkeys treated with metformin was significantly slower than that in untreated control monkeys. The neuronal activity of the treated monkeys was similar to that of animals about 6 years younger, equivalent to 18 years in humans. This finding suggests that metformin has a significant effect on maintaining brain health and enhancing cognitive function.

Impact on other organizations

The study also looked at how metformin affects other tissues in the body. The researchers found that the drug slowed biological aging in several tissues, including tissue in the lungs, kidneys, liver, skin, and the frontal lobe of the brain. In addition, metformin reduced chronic inflammation, a key hallmark of aging. The drug’s effects on these different tissues suggest that metformin has broader anti-aging potential beyond the brain.

Mechanisms and future research

One of the mechanisms by which metformin exerts its anti-aging effects is by activating a protein called NRF2. This protein plays a crucial role in protecting cells from damage caused by inflammation and injury. While these results are encouraging, it is important to note that this study did not assess the drug’s effects on lifespan, but rather focused on its ability to improve healthspan – the length of time an organism remains healthy.

Challenges and next steps

Although the findings are encouraging, there are some limitations. The study involved a relatively small number of male monkeys, and further research is needed to determine whether the results are consistent across sexes and with larger sample sizes. In addition, Liu and his team have partnered with Merck to launch a new trial with 120 participants to test the effects of metformin on aging in humans. Additionally, efforts are underway to raise funds for a larger trial involving 3,000 people aged 65-79, which will aim to explore the drug’s potential to extend healthy lifespan and improve quality of life in older adults.

in conclusion

This study provides valuable insights into the potential applications of metformin beyond diabetes management. It opens up exciting possibilities for future aging research and suggests that this low-cost drug could play a role in promoting healthier aging in humans. However, more extensive and diverse studies are needed to confirm these findings and fully understand the effects of metformin on human health and lifespan.

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