Sleeping for three and a half hours and not eating after six o’clock… This is the daily life of 74-year-old Modi.

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Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrated his 74th birthday. Even at the age of 74, he is still in good health and leading a healthy life. PM Modi has said many times that practicing yoga and a balanced diet are the keys to his healthy life. In this context, let us know what PM Modi’s daily life is like?

To stay healthy, PM Modi performs yoga exercises like Vajrasana, Setubandhasana, Bhujangasana and Uttanapadasana. PM Modi needs only three and a half hours of sleep a day. He does not eat anything after 6 pm.

Union Minister L. Murugan has said that he is impressed by PM Modi’s daily routine. PM Modi sleeps only three and a half hours a day and does not eat anything after six in the evening. PM ​​Modi believes in eating simple and balanced food. He usually likes to add dishes like dal, rice, khichdi to his food.

Start the day with yoga

PM Modi starts his day with yoga. He does yoga for about 40 minutes every day. PM Modi’s day does not start without doing sun salutations and pranayama. He does yoga nidra twice a week. He once told me that yoga nidra is very beneficial to avoid insomnia.

PM Modi said in the show that walking is very beneficial for life. He believes in walking as much as possible. Apart from that, from a health point of view, he loves walking on green grass.

Have a light breakfast and do not eat after 6pm

PM Modi is a vegetarian. He also observes fast many times. He usually has breakfast around nine in the morning. PM ​​Modi said in a Fit India related show that he likes chicken drumstick paratha very much. It is rich in nutrients. He must eat such parathas twice a week.

His dinner was usually light, consisting mostly of Gujarati kicipdi dishes, and he would not eat anything after 6pm.

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