‘India completely changed my life…’, an American woman told what she learned here

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There is no doubt that India is different and special from the rest of the world in many ways. From the lifestyle to the culture here, everything is wonderful in itself. It impresses and attracts people from other countries. An American woman Kristen Fischer who shifted to India recently told how her and her family’s life changed completely after coming to India. She has explained this through small clips in a video.

In the video, she said that my life has changed in many ways since coming to India. It definitely took time to adjust here, but now I like my life in India.
1. I became a vegetarian. The Indian way of eating is better, and that includes being vegetarian. Between animal cruelty and the health benefits, going vegetarian was not easy for me.

2. I have started wearing Indian clothes which are always made of light cotton fabric which is great for the hot weather here. I wear kurta almost every day and I love it.
3. Fisher said- The use of public transport is also very convenient here. Delhi has some of the best public transport options in the world! In the US, there is a lack of this and if you want to go anywhere, you must have a car.
4. Tea is an important part of every Indian’s daily routine and it didn’t take me long to get used to it. Tea is now part of my routine, thanks to India. This is probably my favorite time of the day when I take a break.

5. Fisher said – I now send my children to a private school in India. This would not have been possible in America because private schools are very expensive and there is not much difference in the quality of education. But in India, private schools are very good and they will lead my children to success.

6. I have actually started eating with my hands and I enjoy it. Initially I found it messy but now I prefer eating with my hands and even think the food tastes better this way.
7. I also learned Hindi after coming to India. One obvious change I made after coming to India was to learn and use the Hindi language regularly. It is very difficult to live in Delhi without being fluent in Hindi. It was hard work, but I am proud that I managed to learn and speak Hindi.

8. Fisher said that unlike America, she had to learn many household chores in India. In America, we have facilities like dishwasher, dryer and garbage disposal. But here I had to learn to do many household chores in a completely new way without machines.
9. And yes, Fisher is impressed by the food options in India. Food in the US is usually quick and easy. But in India, food is plentiful, fresh and homemade. I have learned to cook a lot of things that I used to buy frozen in the US.
10. Finally, Fisher said: At first, I was hesitant to use the toilet sprayer but it is very hygienic.

People are making lovely comments on Fechter’s post and telling him that there are many more good things to learn in India. People are not tired of praising Fechter for adapting himself to the Indian culture.

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