Apart from Navy, Army and Air Force, China also has Rocket Force, which has this dangerous job

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There is often talk of the Chinese army in India. Sometimes because of Galwan and sometimes because of Taiwan, the Chinese army remains in the news. The Chinese army ranks third in the world in terms of the number of soldiers. Now that we are talking about the Chinese army, let us tell you that just like the Navy, Army, Airforce protect the country in India, in the same way, apart from the three armies in China, there is another force, which protects China in a special way. In such a situation, let us know which is this third force?

Which force is this?

The name of this force is Rocket Force, which is also known as People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force. Earlier this force was called Second Artillery Corps, but on 1 January 2016 its name was changed to Rocket Force. This is the 4th branch of the Chinese army and it is quite different from the Navy, Air Force and Army there. It was formed on 1 July 1966 and started working publicly from 1 October 1984. The post of its highest officer is named Shang Jiang.

What is the work of the force?

This force is in a way China’s missile force. This force works on missile related projects. It works on projects related to China’s land based ballistic, hypersonic, cruise missile, nuclear missile. Only land-based missiles are included in this force. Especially ballistic and cruise missiles. Which are capable of carrying conventional and nuclear weapons.

This force has 1 lakh 20 thousand soldiers and about 6 missile bases. Along with this, the force also has 3 support storage bases. This force studies missiles etc. and works for the army. This force works specifically on cruise missiles, nuclear technology, survey, technology. In such a situation, if China has to attack anywhere with missiles, then China’s rocket force tries to finish the job with missiles. In any war, operations related to missiles are carried out by the rocket force.

In fact, China has the world’s largest land-based missile stockpile. According to reports, China has 1,200 short-range ballistic missiles, 200 to 300 medium-range ballistic missiles and many ballistic missiles. Along with this, China has 200-300 ground-launched cruise missiles. Along with this, China is also estimated to have more than 500 nuclear bombs. However, China rarely makes public information related to the number of its missiles.

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