He was absconding in the guise of a saint, the police also reached the hut singing bhajans, ‘Kanha’s’ kidnapper turned out to be a head constable of UP police

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Rajasthan News: The police has finally got success in the case of kidnapping of a child that happened 14 months ago in Jaipur. The police has arrested the kidnapper and got the child released safely. The kidnapper turned out to be none other than the child’s mother’s maternal uncle’s son, who is a head constable in Uttar Pradesh Police.

Accused Tanuj Chahar kidnapped the child and was absconding in the streets of Vrindavan in the guise of a sadhu with a long beard and moustache and used to do parikrama keeping the child in a hut. Jaipur Police personnel also reached the accused’s hut in Mathura-Vrindavan wearing the guise of a sadhu and singing bhajans and arrested him.

Jaipur South Deputy Commissioner of Police Digant Anand said, on June 14, 2023, information was received about the kidnapping of 11-month-old child Kuku, Kanha alias Prithvi in ​​Sanganer Sadar area. The accused Tanuj Chahar was an acquaintance of the complainant woman and is posted as a head constable in Aligarh district of UP.

Accused Tanuj, along with his four or five companions, kidnapped Prithvi from his house. Considering the seriousness of the incident, a search was first conducted in the police line Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, but accused Tanuj Chahar was also absent from his duty, due to which he was suspended.

Since then, the police conducted raids in several states to search for the accused and recover the kidnapped child, but when no clue was found about the criminal, a reward of Rs 25,000 was placed on him.

After this, Jaipur police received information that the accused Tanuj Chahar has grown his beard and has donned the garb of a saint and lives in a hut somewhere on the Parikrama Marg of Vrindavan and the Khadar region of Yamuna.

After this, Jaipur police also disguised themselves as sadhus to hide their identity and reached the accused singing bhajans. But the kidnapper got wind of the police and ran away to the fields carrying the kidnapped child in his lap.

After this, on August 27, the police chased Tanuj Chahar in the fields and caught him from Surir police station area and recovered him along with the child and brought him to Jaipur.

During police interrogation, it was found that the accused Tanuj Chahar wanted to keep the child Kanha and his mother with him. The accused put a lot of pressure on the child’s mother regarding this. But when she did not agree, he kidnapped the woman’s minor son.

After the kidnapping, the accused Tanuj Chahar used to call the child’s mother repeatedly and threaten her to get his way. Due to this animosity, the accused was also suspended from his job, but he did not give up his stubbornness.

Accused Tanuj Chahar was posted as Head Constable in UP Police at Reserve Police Line, District Aligarh and was well aware of the working of police, that is why after kidnapping the child, he did not use his mobile phone during his escape to be cautious from police and after using mobile phone from one place, he did not go to that place again.

He would also leave the location of the mobile immediately. After meeting his acquaintances once, he would never meet them again and to hide his identity, he would sometimes grow a beard and sometimes dye it white.

At the same time, the accused did not introduce himself to the new man, so Jaipur police had a tough time catching the accused Tanuj Chahar.

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