Operation Windy Storm of Baloch rebels created panic, 14 Pakistani soldiers killed, 73 dead so far

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Baloch rebels have carried out a major attack in Pakistan’s Balochistan. In this attack, police station, railway line and national highway were targeted within 24 hours, in which 73 people including soldiers died. This attack has become one of the biggest attacks in the last several decades in Balochistan, which is facing insurgency.

The Pakistan Army said that 14 soldiers were killed in the encounter after the attacks. 21 BLA rebels were also killed in this attack. According to the Chief Minister of Balochistan, 38 civilians have lost their lives. Out of these people, 23 were killed in the attack on the National Highway, when armed men identified the passengers and shot them.

This name was given to the operation

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed responsibility for the attack. The BLA has named it Operation Dark Windy Storm. They said that four suicide bombers, including a woman, attacked the southern port district of Gwadar. Pakistani officials are currently refraining from saying anything about this. However, the Chief Minister of Balochistan has said that 3 people have been killed in the attack.

BLA insurgents torched several vehicles during the attack in Balochistan.

People of Punjab were killed

Let us tell you that during the attack on the National Highway, the attackers took the passengers off the buses and shot them dead. This firing incident took place in Musakhail district of Balochistan. Armed attackers took the passengers off the trucks and buses and identified the people of Pakistani Punjab and shot them.

fried carefully

According to Musakhail Assistant Commissioner Najeeb Kakar, armed attackers reached the inter-state highway in Rarasham area and blocked the road. After this, they stopped buses and trucks and started identifying the passengers. The attackers identified the passengers from Punjab and selectively shot them dead.

What does BLA want?

Let us tell you that BLA is the biggest rebel group fighting the government of Pakistan. BLA rebels allege that the government of Pakistan exploits gas and mineral resources in Balochistan in an unfair manner. This is the reason for poverty in the state. BLA wants to drive out China and wants independence for Balochistan.

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