Those 5 dangerous weapons of Ukraine, which are making Russia tremble… attacks are getting dangerous

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Ukraine’s 5 weapons are proving to be very dangerous for harassing Russia and destroying its territories and targets. All these weapons have been given to Ukraine by America and European countries. But by using them, Ukraine has made life difficult for Russia. These are ATACMS, HIMARS, Patriot, Storm Shadow and Javelin anti-tank missiles.

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Army Tactical Missile System or ATACMS

Ukraine's Deadliest Weapons Against Russia

Ukraine has several batteries of MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). This missile system is manufactured by America. This missile weighing 1670 kg is 13 feet long. Its diameter is 24 inches. Its range is 300 km. It can reach a maximum height of 50 km. It moves towards the target at a speed of 3704 km/hr. Heat fragmentation and penetration warhead is installed in it.

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Storm Shadow Cruise Missile

Apart from ATACMS, Ukraine is making full use of the French-British made cruise missile Storm Shadow. It is a long-range air-launched missile. The weight of one missile is 1300 kg. The 16.9 feet long missile is 25 inches wide and 19 inches high. It has a 450 Kg multi-stage warhead.

Ukraine's Deadliest Weapons Against Russia

The range of this missile is 550 km. This missile covers a distance of 323 meters in a second. That is, the speed is 1200 km/hr. It can be fired from many types of fighter jets. After being launched from the aircraft, this missile moves towards the target silently. Its specialty is that its arrival cannot be detected.

M142 HIMARS Artillery Rocket System (M142 HIMARS)

Ukraine's Deadliest Weapons Against Russia

This is a light multiple rocket launcher. Which has been continuously used in different wars since 2010. Its length is 23 feet. It requires three people to operate it. Its range is from 2 km to 300 km. It has a set of 6 rockets of 227 mm. HIMARS can take the launcher to a range of 480 km at a speed of 85 km/hr.

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Patriot Missile

The Patriot missile has been made by America. It is a surface to air (SAM) missile. It has been used in America for 42 years. It is one of the most reliable air defense systems in the world. It is also used to shoot down ballistic missiles. Ukraine claims that it shot down Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal missile with Patriot.

Ukraine's Deadliest Weapons Against Russia

Patriot missiles weigh between 312 and 914 kg. Their length ranges from 15.10 to 17.1 feet. Each variant has small wings with a wingspan of 1.8 to 3 feet. Composition blast, high explosive, blast and fragmentation warheads are fitted on these missiles. The weight of the warhead can be between 73 and 90 kg. Its range is between 30 km and 160 km. This missile reaches a maximum height of about 80 thousand feet. The speed of different variants is between 3430 and 5022 km/hr.

Also read: Ukraine’s new Neptune cruise missile, which blew up a Russian warship! Know its power

Javelin ATGM

The Javelin missile uses infrared technology to hit its target accurately. Its length is 108.1 cm. The missile launcher weighs 22.3 kg including the missile, which is equipped with day/night vision sight. The Javelin missile can hit the target accurately up to 2500 meters. This missile is considered to be most effective against tanks. It is also used to destroy small buildings and bunkers.

Ukraine's Deadliest Weapons Against Russia

The Javelin missile is known as a ‘fire and forget’ weapon. The target is locked before firing it. After pressing the trigger, the missile destroys the pre-set target in self-guided mode in the blink of an eye. The US Army has been using the Javelin missile since 1996. Being small in size and light in weight, it can be fired by keeping it on the shoulder and the Javelin missile can be easily used even in difficult geographical conditions.

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