Tired of being a clerk in a Taliban office that wields guns and cannons, he is ready to go to Palestine and fight

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Those hands which never got tired of firing bullets from guns are now tired of using pens. The fighters who used to search the cities of Afghanistan all day long in search of enemies are now tired of handling files. This is the condition of the Taliban fighters who are chasing away the American soldiers from Afghanistan these days. These fighters who have not participated in any war for many days are having a very bad time. They have to leave their favorite work (shooting guns) and do a 9 to 5 desk job in offices.

One such former Taliban fighter and currently the spokesperson of the Disaster Management Ministry, Mullah Janan, said that he has been bored of working in the office for a long time. Mullah Janan has been one of the most brutal Taliban fighters. He has also led the wars in the southern Helmand province in the past. Mullah Janan said, ‘I fought a guerrilla war for more than 15 years, but today I have to work among a monotonous pile of papers. I am beginning to feel suffocated by this quiet life.’

I got training to stay in war, not in office

Speaking to the British media, 38-year-old Mullah Janan said, ‘After the formation of the Taliban government in 2021, I was given a desk job. This work is not exciting at all. I never thought that I would have to do such a boring job. I am badly stuck between meetings, paperwork and administrative work. I have gone far away from the work for which I have trained. I have been trained to stay in the war and be a fighter, not to work sitting at a desk. Sometimes I question myself, what am I doing after all.’

Fighters want to go to Palestine and fight

Mullah Janan, who works as a clerk away from the war, is not the only Taliban who is fed up with this lifestyle. Mullah Ahmed Gul, a former Taliban infantryman, is also upset with this routine. He too has been given the job of a clerk at present. Ahmed Gul said, ‘I am bored of the office job. At present I am away from jihad. If I get a chance to go to Palestine and fight, it will be good.’

‘Sitting in the office is not my cup of tea’

Similarly, another Taliban Mullah Dost Mohammad is also bored of doing office work. According to Mullah Dost Mohammad, ‘Sitting in the office is not my cup of tea. I want war. It is not easy for Taliban guerrilla fighters to do this government work. Some people are yearning to fight the war.’

This is the situation now after Taliban occupation

Let us tell you that after a long war that lasted for two decades, the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021. Although there is peace in Afghanistan at present, the country is still unstable and sporadic attacks keep happening. After seizing power, the Taliban imposed the most restrictions on women, which was condemned internationally. Here girls above the age of 12 are prohibited from going to any school.

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