Britain launches first military spy satellite to keep an eye on enemy countries

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Britain has launched its first military spy satellite. The launch was done from the Falcon-9 rocket of Elon Musk’s space company SpaceX from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The name of this satellite is Tyche. The Defense Ministry has said that this satellite will not only help the military but will also provide accurate information about natural disasters and global climate change.

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UK Spy Satellite, Military Satellite

The size of this satellite is equal to a washing machine. It has been made by British company Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL). But now all its work and operation will be looked after by the Defense Ministry. This is the first time that Britain has launched its military satellite for space-based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

This 150 kg satellite will work for about 5 years. During this period it will help all types of armies of the UK. Defense Procurement and Industry Minister Maria Eagle said that we will get the necessary intelligence from Taichi. Also, it will be easier to conduct military operations. This is necessary in the current environment.

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Taichi also reflects the British spirit of how active we are in science and technology. This will open up many possibilities across the UK. Because of Taichi, 100 high-skilled jobs have been created in the Defense Ministry alone. UK Space Commander Major General Paul Tedman said that this is a wonderful day for Britain. We have now placed our spy in space. This will protect our country.

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