Demonstration in Houston against violence against Hindus in Bangladesh, Joe Biden made these demands from the administration

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More than three hundred Hindus of Indian and Bangladeshi origin demonstrated in Houston on Sunday against the violence against minorities in Bangladesh. The protesters urged the US President Joe Biden administration to stop the atrocities on minorities in Bangladesh and said that this is the time to take action.

According to the information, about 300 Indian and American Hindus of Bangladeshi origin demonstrated at Sugar Land City Hall in Houston on Sunday morning demanding an end to violence in Bangladesh. Protesters demanding an end to violence against Hindus in Bangladesh carried placards reading “Stop Hindu Genocide,” “Stand up now and speak,” “Hindu lives matter,” And emotional slogans like “We will not run, we will not hide” were written.

Special demand from Biden administration

Organizers called on the Biden administration to take immediate and decisive action to prevent further atrocities in Bangladesh and protect vulnerable minority communities. The recent increase in violence against Hindu communities poses an urgent and dangerous threat to peace and stability in the region, and now is the time to act.

The protesters encouraged Bangladesh Hindus to remain alert and united in monitoring the current situation, taking necessary initiatives collectively in case of any emergency.

Achalesh Amar, one of the speakers representing the VHP and Hindu Action, addressed the packed crowd with unwavering confidence, declaring that we strongly condemn the attack on the Hindu community for their pluralistic beliefs. We stand in unwavering solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Bangladesh. We call on the Bangladeshi government to take immediate action to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure the safety of all its citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs!

Amar also shared an emotional statement from Hindu Pact co-convenor Deepti Mahajan. He said that with the coup in Bangladesh, 10 million Hindus are sitting on the bomb of genocide. Reports from within Bangladesh reveal harrowing stories of women subjected to unspeakable abuses, including unimaginable torture, killings and the burning of Hindu temples.

This instability is a serious threat not only to Hindus but also to the foundation of democracy in countries like India and America. This is also an inevitable threat to Hindus in Pakistan. We need the eyes and ears of all Western countries focused on this crisis in Asia and we demand protection for all minorities in Bangladesh!

A Bangladeshi-American woman present at the event spoke with emotion, her voice breaking with tears, saying, “horrific acts of violence at home are devastating. When we call home and hear about these cruel acts every day it breaks us. How many innocent lives were lost! Places of worship were burnt or vandalized and women were subjected to horrific abuse. This must stop now! We cannot stand idly by while our people suffer!

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