‘Kashmiris should be asked that…’, Pakistani MP showed the mirror to his own country, came out in protest against the resolution on Kashmir

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One of its own MPs has shown a mirror to Pakistan, which keeps harping on Kashmir every time. On Tuesday, a resolution was presented in the National Assembly, the lower house of the Parliament of Pakistan, rejecting the removal of Article 370 from Kashmir. This proposal was opposed by Pakistan MP Mahmood Khan Achakzai. Achakzai also gave a speech in protest against the resolution, using strong language, parts of which were censored in the Parliament livestream.

Pakistani MPs came out in protest against the resolution on Kashmir

Pashtunkha Milli Awami Party (PKMP) chief Mahmood Khan Achakzai said he opposed the resolution on Kashmir because he was not allowed to move amendments to the draft resolution.

Achakzai gave his speech in Parliament using very harsh words, parts of which were censored in the live stream of Parliament.

Achakzai said, ‘The people of Kashmir should be asked which country they want to join. If they want to join Pakistan of their own free will, they will be welcomed.

Proposal passed despite opposition

Despite the opposition of the MP, the resolution brought in the Pakistani Parliament on Kashmir was passed, because the entire House gave its approval to it.

Saffron and Kashmir Affairs Minister Amir Muqam had presented the resolution related to Kashmir in the Parliament. According to Pakistan’s local media, the resolution demanded that ‘India should release Kashmiri political prisoners, provide them humanitarian assistance, stop human rights violations and sincerely implement related UN Security Council resolutions so that the Kashmiri people can live unitedly. Can determine their future through the democratic process of fair referendum under the nation’s proposals.

The resolution further said, ‘The House reiterates its moral, political and diplomatic support to the struggle of the Kashmiri people for the right to self-determination and salutes their courage and bravery.’

conflict with speaker

The Speaker stopped Achakzai from speaking in Parliament, due to which he got angry and called him ‘Havildar’. In response, the Speaker said that he is proud to be called ‘Havaldar’ because he is the protector of the country.

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