15 years in power, had to leave the country in 45 minutes… The whole story from the rebellion in Bangladesh to Sheikh Hasina’s exit.

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Sheikh Hasina, who is currently in India, had to leave her country after leaving the post of Prime Minister of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina’s plane has stopped at Hindon airbase in Ghaziabad. Meanwhile, a CCS meeting was held at the PM’s residence in India today for about one and a half hours. Where the Foreign Minister and NSA have given information to the Prime Minister on every situation in Bangladesh. Now it is not clear where Sheikh Hasina’s plane will go from Hindon airbase.

On the other hand, in Bangladesh the crowd is on the streets after the rebellion. Who entered the PM’s residence in the afternoon and looted a lot. After that, the houses, offices and houses of many Awami League MPs and ministers were also attacked and set on fire. Four Hindu temples have also been targeted in Bangladesh. The eyes of the whole world are on Bangladesh at this time. Also on India because Sheikh Hasina is still in India.

Public broke the statue of Mujibur Rahman

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who gave Bangladesh the breath of independence in 1971, whom the people of Bangladesh gave the title of Father of the Nation, within 5 decades that love turns into so much hatred that the people of Bangladesh themselves climbed the statue of Mujibur Rahman in Dhaka and beat it with a hammer. Start breaking. The question is whether the reason behind breaking the statue of Bangladesh’s founder Mujibur Rahman, known as Bangabandhu, is his daughter Sheikh Hasina, who was called the ‘Iron Lady’ of democracy in Bangladesh?

Sheikh Hasina has to leave Bangladesh in an army helicopter from the Prime Minister’s residence in Dhaka at 2:30 pm on Monday afternoon. What did Sheikh Hasina do while leaving the country along with leaving the post of Prime Minister that in the same country where Sheikh Hasina’s father Mujibur Rahman had fought for the creation of Bangladesh, some of the decisions taken by her daughter while she was in power, the public felt that there was a smack of dictatorship in the country? Became a rebel. The public expressed their anger by hollowing out the picture of Mujibur Rahman engraved on the wall of the government building in Cox’s Bazar with the help of JCB.

People do not tolerate dictatorship

What did Sheikh Hasina do that the 15-year-old Prime Minister had to leave the country within 45 minutes? Sheikh Hasina’s father, because of whom one end of Pakistan, which came on the map as East Pakistan, got its identity as Bangladesh, even the memorial built in the memory of Mujibur Rahman outside the airport in Dhaka was destroyed by a crowd of hundreds with JCBs and bulldozers. broke.

These pictures of Sheikh Hasina expressing anger against Mujibur Rahman after the overthrow of Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh testify that even if you have been winning elections for 15 years, the people do not like dictatorship. These pictures are a testimony to the fact that even if you strengthen the economy in the country, the people do not tolerate arbitrary repression. Sheikh Hasina’s dictatorship has turned Bangladesh into a country where Bangladesh’s soldiers are seen celebrating the Prime Minister’s escape from the country, where Bangladesh’s security forces are seen destroying Sheikh Hasina’s picture soon after she left Dhaka. Let us tell you that for the time being the army is going to take over the power.

Is power now handed over to the army?

Watching the live coverage of Sheikh Hasina leaving the country, the soldiers started removing Sheikh Hasina’s picture from the center and started telling that there was a Hasina in Bangladesh… Khaleda Zia, the head of the main opposition party in Bangladesh, also asked the people. Appealed to maintain peace. The army is also asking people to remain calm. Meanwhile, this evening itself in Bangladesh, a mob vandalized and set on fire the house of Comilla Awami League MP Bahauddin Bahar. Apart from Bahauddin Bahar, houses of many other MPs have also been targeted.

Bangladesh was formed after separating from Pakistan. But the fate of both the countries was often similar. Like the strings of power falling into the hands of the army and the leaders becoming puppets. But Sheikh Hasina had given stability to military ruled Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina did not become a puppet of the army, but has the image of an autocratic leader of Sheikh Hasina, one of the major female rulers in the world who has been in power continuously for the longest time, handed over power to the army in Bangladesh today?

Was a decision regarding reservation costly?

The root of Bangladesh’s current problem lies between the helicopters that were sent to land security forces on the roof of the university to stop the students’ movement in Dhaka 18 days ago and the flying helicopter of Sheikh Hasina leaving the country after leaving the post of PM. On July 18, security forces were landed by helicopter inside the university in Bangladesh to stop the students who were protesting.

To stop the demonstration, the police in Bangladesh even opened fire. Where along with firing rubber bullets, such decisions have been taken to stop the protesters in which hundreds of people lost their lives. Did a reservation decision lead to a coup in Bangladesh? Was reservation alone the reason for Sheikh Hasina to leave the country? Did the movement against reservation destabilize Bangladesh?

Afghanistan like pictures seen in Bangladesh

Where power has been with Sheikh Hasina since 2009, where she has already started claiming to come to power again for the sixth time in 2029, currently the army is in command, which is said to play a role in forming the interim government. Has been. So, has the country now separated from Pakistan started following the path of Pakistan? Has the result of the rebellion been that Bangladesh has started becoming Pakistan?

Understand the reason for these two questions. Sheikh Hasina has left the country. At present the army is in command of the country, which talks about forming an interim government with everyone, but meanwhile, looting, hooliganism and arson are taking place from the PM’s residence to the streets of Bangladesh.

Remember what happened when the Taliban entered Afghanistan… Remember what the revolting people did in Pakistan when Imran Khan was arrested… The Taliban were looting the Rashtrapati Bhavan of Afghanistan and the military in Pakistan. Imran supporters were creating ruckus by entering the officers’ houses. Now Bangladesh is also seen on the same path. Sheikh Hasina ran away after leaving the Prime Minister’s residence but the public vented out their anger by entering the PM’s residence.

Protestors lying on the bed of PM House

PM residence which is called Gana Bhawan in Bangladesh. There seems to be no one stopping people from entering there. People are seen vandalizing inside the PM’s residence. In the video, a person is seen who is happy just lying on the bed inside the PM residence in Dhaka. This video confirms that the people of Bangladesh were angry and now their inner anger is coming out.

He feels that those in power are not only autocratic but also loot the hard-earned money of the people. That is why when the people suffering from dictatorship get a chance, they also forget the matter of faith. The condition of Bangladesh looks like that of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some soldiers try to stop the public at the PM’s residence but their efforts are negligible.

The public vented their anger by looting

People feel that those who live in big palatial residences have got all the happiness due to their autocratic rule, hence the unhappy people are trying to take away that happiness. Whoever is getting whatever is coming out of Dhaka’s PM residence is taking it out. When there was difficulty in bringing it, people took rickshaws outside. Loaded everything on the rickshaw. Someone left the PM’s residence carrying a fridge, someone left carrying only chairs. Someone brought LEDs from Sheikh Hasina’s PM residence, someone brought a stove and someone did not even leave a bouquet of decorations.

This is the people who have rebelled against Sheikh Hasina, who feel that the stuff brought inside the PM’s residence is a medal or trophy for defeating the ruler who, after getting power, assumed that now he will do whatever he wants. The same situation that has arisen in Bangladesh after the removal of autocracy has given rise to the possibility of an unstable nation, the loss of which is huge.

(Aaj Tak Bureau)

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