Doctors were 5000 Km away from the patient, operated on lung tumor with the help of robot

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We are already familiar with words like AI (Artificial Intelligence), Machine Learning and Robots. All these technologies are gradually becoming a part of our lives. The use of technology in the health care sector has increased significantly. A new example of this has been seen in China.

Actually, a surgery in China has been done with the help of robots from a distance of 5000 kilometers. The surgeon at Shanghai Chest Hospital has performed a remote operation with the help of his colleagues. He has removed the tumor from the victim’s lung.

Operation done from 5000 Km away

At the time of the operation, the surgeon was in Shanghai, while the victim and the surgical robot were in Kashgar, Xinjiang. There is a distance of 5000 kilometers between the two areas. This surgery was done on July 13. This entire operation has been led by Doctor Luo Qingquan.

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The doctor has said that this technology shows how in the future people will be able to get their treatment done without going to big cities. According to the report of Shanghai Daily, this is the first hospital in China in which chest surgery has been done with the help of robots. Along with robotic surgery, Shanghai Chest Hospital is doing research and development in robotic technology.

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There is such a machine in India also

India also has such a surgical robot system, which has been developed by Dr. Sudhir Srivastava’s SSI Mantra. By using this robotic system, doctors will be able to perform surgery even without being near the patient. The Indian surgical robot is a modular design, with 5 arms that can be separated.

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For this operation, the surgeon has to sit at a console station, on which a 32-inch monitor is installed and 3D vision is available. Safety cameras are also provided in it, which detects the presence of the doctor. If the doctor looks away, the surgery stops. In India, surgery has been done using robots from a distance of 40 kilometers.

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